© 2025 24 Paws of Love

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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

In the Moment

You'll have to forgive me for my love affair with my dogs and the lessons they teach me about how to live.

See I've never had anything of a future before and have just learned to survive moment to moment, so I've never had the essence to capture life and hold on to it.

And this is where you'll have to forgive my special and private life with the dogs whom I capture in my heart and mind instead of on camera.

My husband, Mark is the one who wants to record everything, minute by minute, while I tend to just savor the intimate moments the dogs and I share.

It feels like a disruption stopping the world for that moment.  Life is already too fast and fleeting and when I'm in the moment the last thing I want to do is stop it.

And so I do the next best thing and write about these moments.  Pen and paper are my recorder.

Where I envelop the moment all over again and bring it to you the only way I know how.  With words.  Strung together for your pleasure to see and feel what I do in those moments.

Those precious moments with the 24 Paws of Love.


Pamela said...

That's always the balancing act, isn't it? Experiencing life and reflecting on it by writing or taking pictures.

I'm glad when you take time to share your life with the 24 Paws crew. But I always think it's a great thing to enjoy time with your family instead of just writing about it.

Just try to take a couple pics of your mushing when the snow falls. :)

Unknown said...

We thinking sharing is an important part of life so don't stop telling us all about your life with your pets. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

KB said...

Please, keep telling your stories!

White Dog Blog said...

that is why we blog, isn't it? To share the wonder and heart-stopping joy, and every second of our intertwined lives? Your perspective and experiences reinforce the universality of bonding with our furred ones. Each of our posts forms a quilt in the Blog family that adds up to a patchwork validation of the amazing gift we all have been blessed with...a true, give-and-take relationship of love beyond species.