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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, June 6, 2014

What's the Most Dangerous Thing Your Dog Has Eaten?

I'm sure we've all had scary moments when our dogs have gotten into something they shouldn't have.  We get scared, call the vet, and pray and hope they will be OK.  Then there is that one time they get into something dangerous, so dangerous you didn't know if they would live or die.  What is that food, poison, plant, item that shook you so far to the bone because they could really die?  And you didn't really know, I mean you really didn't know if they were going to be OK or not. 

 Sago Palm 
My plant was half the size of this one.

The closest we came was when Chance and Blaze both ate a plant that I didn't know was poisonous.  The plant had sentimental value, was rare and Blaze was nibbling on it.  So I threw it out in their yard.  It was stupid of me to think a houseplant couldn't be dangerous, but I had checked all the list and a Sago Palm wasn't on any of them.  It still didn't mean it was safe.

Within an hour of devouring the small plant, Chance and Blaze were both heaving and vomiting everywhere.  Nonstop.  The vet hadn't heard of the plant.  She had no words of wisdom for us.  And so Mark and I held our hearts in our hands, cleaning up the frothing mess.  We didn't think they were ever going to stop vomiting.  It went on almost an hour and a half before they started to let up.  They were horribly sick and we stayed by their side all night long.

We were lucky that they threw the whole plant up so quickly.  If it had been ingested the circumstances would have been far worse.  They woke up the next day tired but doing OK and were quite hungry for some reason! 

I was so afraid of killing them and this was just after their owners had returned them to us.  It was the scariest night of our lives.  And something I hope I don't have to live through again.      


Unknown said...

Plants can be very poisonous and our rule of thumb is no nibbling or eating anything outside. Honest mistakes happen but lucky they were OK. What a scare. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Unknown said...

Glad everything ended well! My dogs have eaten tampons, duct tape, socks...

KB said...

I'm glad it all turned out okay.

Our worst was when K found a deer that a mountain lion had killed. She ate so many bones (vertebrae) that the x-rays showed that she was full of bone from "stem to stern". Yup, emergency surgery... but she survived just fine.