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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Thursday, May 8, 2014

We are so Blessed

I am sitting with Blaze, watching her sleep and petting her ever so softly, when it really hits me just how blessed we were having ten puppies.  Ten puppies who were all strong and healthy.  Ten puppies who's lives were in our hands.  We were so blessed that we got to keep two of them (Zappa and Fiona).  We see two of the pups about once a year and they are always fine and well.  There are two we lost contact with and haven't seen since they were a year old and two that sadly died.  But we were also blessed ten fold with Blaze and Chance coming back into our lives.  It still blows my mind to this day that they called to return them to us-because we never really vocalized it, though we meant to.  I think our actions of visiting every couple of months that first year must have really said something.  And God intervened.  It is why I have no problem being two packs, if that what it means to have them back.  Because when you get down to the simple, basic line, it is all about the dogs and what's best for them.

I realize it was a risk we took having the puppies, but then there isn't much in life that isn't a risk.  We believed what we were doing was right and I still do or I wouldn't love my family of dogs so much.  And if you'd ask me if I'd do it over again, I would.  And if you asked me if I would do it over again knowing the risks and losses and gains, Yes I would.  I have no regrets, sadness maybe, but no regrets.  I wasn't sure if I'd ever be able to say 100% sure, well, now I can.

I don't know what it was about getting Blaze spayed that helped me turn that corner, but maybe it's just the simple, basic fact that she is one of the puppies.  And you can't put a price on her beautiful life.  All we prayed for was her to survive the surgery, all the rest didn't matter any more.  She's a treasure, just like the rest of the dogs, but she always have a special place in my heart for being that extra blessing that came back home.  And no one can take that away from us.

pee.s. Blaze is doing fine.  She still sore, but handling it like a champ.  Her stitches are on the inside and the glued the incision shut.  We had a problem the day after she came home the incision was open, so we headed back to the vet for them to glue it shut.  Doing good so far.  Blaze is in good spirits, except of  course when the pain starts up.  She takes a Rimadyl and a nap and feels much better.
Thank you everyone for asking, your thoughts and prayers make a world of difference.    


bichonpawz said...

I think those puppies were just as blessed to have YOU as their mom!! It was just meant to be!! So glad to hear that Blaze is doing well and sending along prayers and hugs for a quick recovery!!

24 Paws of Love said...

Thank you Jeanne. Hope you and your pups are doing well too!

Unknown said...

Well said and we are all lucky to have such wonderful animals in our lives. Have a tremendous Thursday.
Best wishes Molly

The Daily Pip said...

Lovely! Glad Blaze is doing well!!

TrixieAndLily said...

This is Trixie and Lily! We started our new blog (in case you don't recognize our ID, that is why.) We are glad Blaze is doing well, and we think all those dogs are so lucky to have a mom like you to take care of them! Our Mama says she knows how it isto fall in love with a litter of puppies and then have to give them away. She was living in the house when her roomates' dog had Lily and the other litter mates, and Mama took care of them a lot. She was so sad when they all went to new homes... and later found out that at least 3 of those puppies ended up being taken to the pound by the people her roommates gave them to. But Mama is happy that she at least got to keep Lily forever and ever!