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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Monday, May 26, 2014

Have you ever seen a puppy born?

Have you ever seen a puppy born?  How about ten of them in a seven hour span?

I have.

And every moment was a miracle.

I thought I understood dogs, until I got Brut

And when I thought I understood Brut, we had puppies.

And when I thought I understood the puppies,
they grew and changed
transforming before my eyes.  

They taught me what I could have never learned in a book.

And sadly I think too many dog lovers miss out on witnessing this blessing.
The interaction, the connection and discovery.

It is so much more than just the cuteness factor,

It is witnessing the entirety of what makes a dog a dog

 Pure unconditional love from the beginning.


Unknown said...

Simply nature is stunning. Have a great memorial day and a marvellous Monday.
Best wishes Molly

House of Carnivores said...

It's been a very long time since I've had a litter of puppies with us. I do feel in a similar way about the litter of kittens that we had with us last year. We had them before their eyes even opened, and I felt like I completely understood those little kittens by the time they were weaned and adopted out.

Unknown said...

Oh you bet i have witnessed the pleasure of puppies being born. I love every moment of it i will tell a lil story. When i worked for a no kill rescue in Los Angeles we had this pit bull named Rosie . Well when we first got her we all thought she was plain out FAT ! Well as the weeks went on i told my boss i don't think she 's fat ! She pregnant she was like ah hell no you did not just say that. ! You see was in charge of her and too take care of from point on. I worked all dogs but since i had a huge bond with her we were besties . So anyway the weeks turned into months she was HUGE ! I never thought a dog could never get that HUGE ! Boy was i wrong well the time too take her up too isolation for quite time she was close so the boss tells take up i said ok . Do you know what it was like too take this angel up a flight of stairs ? OMG so here i am waddling with her up the stairs i was behind her so she would not go backwards. So everyday she was nesting and getting ready for that day so was i well wasn't nesting ok i was . Trying to make this Angel compfy as much as possible . I think i was more the that anticipating on how many Beautiful babies she was going to have. We all had bets going on and i won the bet. two weeks later she had ready for this ! 13 Beautiful Babies and they are precious ! She let me come in everyday to visit and clean and feed that's how close we were ! And yes every single baby got adopted to the right people. They we spayed her when it was time . Well Miss Rosie got adopted herself and the moral of this story ! I would do it again and i do in a heart beat ! So i know what it is like to see this i have been working with animals for a very long time and keep doing it til i die hands down ! I have kept that promise and always will. I don't judge or discriminate the breeds i will always will be their auntie momma Merci and be their voice i'm here too help all .And that's my story !