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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Just needed to unplug for a while...

Too many things were getting me down.  I am struggling with some depression and needed to withdrawl from the outside world for a while.  Staying close to dogs and hubby, I started getting the camera out and taking some pictures.  I almost forgot how much fun that can be, even when they are not all about
the dogs! 

This is Lake Michigan of the Great Lakes around Michigan and parts of it are still frozen.  It was chilly out that way and you could feel the dampness in the air.  Still beautiful though.  We have seen some of the best sunsets on this lake though Lake Superior (another one of the Great Lakes) has some great ones as well.

We still have small mounds of snow that we are waiting to melt.  This spring has been one of the slowest to warm up and one of the coldest.  We are still gathering wood for our wood furnace to keep warm at night as it gets below freezing.
About 12 days old
My seedlings for my garden are coming along nicely.  I have tomatoes, cucumbers, green and hot peppers, lima beans (which I'm having no luck with) and pumpkins.  I'll be adding a handful of other seeds that I will sow directly into the garden like cabbage, carrots, radishes, green beans and corn.  It is always a race with out short season to try to get the most out of it.

And here they are now at a month old!

And we can't have a post without at least one dog pic...Check Brut out!!

 What a stud!

Brut is styling his own, one-of-a-kind punked out look, making the most of his winter to spring swing.  I have a special shot of Brut's new look that I'm saving for tomorrow's Wordless Wednesday.  Make sure you come back to check it out!

That's all for now at the house of the 24 Paws of Love.

Happy Tuesday to everyone! 


Unknown said...

Sorry to read that you have been down but really after the long hard Winter you have had it is hardly surprising. Let's hope Spring will be with you soon and the good weather will cheer you up. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

Unknown said...

Digging Brut's shed. Your seedlings look amazing! Mine are 7 weeks old, and much smaller.

White Dog Blog said...

Several of the WDA have Pickable Coats right now as well! Brut is a handsome boy and looks like he does not mind the cold Spring one bit. Momma loved your photos of Lake Michigan...she often really misses that area and its wet damp cold beauty...and your photos are lovely.

Pamela said...

Glad to hear a little bit of spring is coming back to your heart.

Do you have big plans for Brut's coat? Perhaps a sweater? Or just compost.