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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

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Brut Quote

Friday, March 14, 2014

What other pets would you like to have?

Is there any animal or pet you'd like to have in your future, that maybe you don't have today for whatever reasons? 

I have this dream of having an indoor pool, with all of my house plants surrounding it, in a large sun room of sorts.  And somewhere in that room would be a large fish pond.  I picture it mostly with goldfish, probably for the color, but I would love to have an array of fresh water fish.  Maybe a gentle waterfall that flows into this pond with aquatic plants, sand and rocks.  I think that would be so cool.

Maybe something that looks like this...

So how about you?  What kind of other pets would you like to have? 


Unknown said...

Wow a pool sounds cool to us be it indoor our outside. We would love a good splash.
Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

KB said...

I've never wanted anything but dogs, dogs, dogs. I love your vision of a pool and fish, though!

Unknown said...

I have dogs and chickens. I want some dairy goats, maybe two Nigerian Dwarf Goats, and also like ferrets, chinchillas, and sugar gliders. But I doubt I could get little house pets with my dogs, though.

haopee said...