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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, February 28, 2014

Brut's First Muzzled Trip to the Vet

Well I finally did it.  Colors weren't working for me, black, my favorite color wasn't working for me, so I turned the blog white!  UGH!  LOL!  Actually I love the new look it is fresh and clean and gives me what I am looking for to show off the dogs, so I am happy with it.  (That is until I need another change, lol!)

 Don't you know who I am?

So how has your week been?  We have been learning to wear a muzzle around here.  Everyone has had a chance to try one on.  Brut has to go to the vet today and is now deemed to wear a muzzle after going after the vet last time he saw her.
I bought a mesh one, which I like because he can still pant, drink and take small treats with it on.  I was interested in getting a basket one, but couldn't find unless I ordered one and I kept forgetting about it, so running to the store was the easiest.  Every store we went to carried only the mesh ones, so that's what he got.

Brut is really good at putting the muzzle on and had no problem with it.  Give it a good thirty seconds and no treats and then he starts pawing at it.  But today he did simple tricks with it on and didn't bother with it.

Honestly it is a great relief that he has to wear one and I wish I'd thought of it sooner.  Brut is great when he is outside his territory.  He is actually scared of other dogs at the vet.  But I know all it would take is the wrong dog to come in and we would have one hell of scare.  So this really settles my nerves.  There were times that only my husband and Brut could go into the exam room because I was a nervous wreck.  To say I don't trust him would be an understatement.  I know him too well.  So I think this is going to be a good visit for him today and a real stepping stone.  He's getting his Rabies shot and a heartworm test.  Wish us luck!


How Sam Sees It said...

Good luck! We've never had to muzzle a pup at the vet, but we did have a cat a while back that had to be muzzled - per the vets orders.

Monty and Harlow

Unknown said...

Our Bruce is muzzled at the vet. I broke down and purchased one for us to have at home, as well. I feel it is good to have around in case of emergencies.

Sage said...

Good luck! I hope it does go well--at least you have the peace of mind that you've done what you can.

PS: I do like your new look!

Wyatt said...

Good luck at the vet. We loves your furry background on your blog :D

Pamela said...

Just saw that the vet visit went well. So glad to hear it.

Lots of people worry about using a muzzle because they don't want people to be scared of their dog. Lots of people used to ask me if the gentle leader harness was a muzzle. And they looked scared of my 35 pound dogs when they asked.

But dogs don't think about those things the same way. And you obviously did a good job desensitizing Brut to it.

I wonder if taking the bite response away from a dog has a calming effect. They don't rely on it to protect themselves and they have to put themselves in your hands to protect them.

24 Paws of Love said...

I don't know Pamela, but that's a good point. I know that when Brut feels threatened and ready to attack, when I "protect" him from the threat, he instantly calms. He is always so relieved when he doesn't have to fight. So I would guess the muzzle would be under that same principal. Along with a lot of trust.