With Blaze being in heat and Brut being intact, even though they are separated by their packs, everything changes when Blaze is in heat. It brings unique joys and frustration when this cycle occurs. Here are some of my own personal views and observations. Not everyone with a female in heat may experience the same thing.
Blaze is right up there with Zappa being the mouthiest dog in the house, but during her heat she becomes very quiet and rarely barks. She becomes more tender and loving and can be very clingy. We've had some very intimate moments between the two us, female to female.
Brut was in such a anxious frenzy he couldn't stop trying to mount Silver (she'll always be his girl), which was made even more intense by him licking Silver's wound that he gave her a week prior. We eventually had to separate them. And I've had more alone time with Brut in one week that I have in a long time. He has had both Mark and I to himself, this also quiets him down.