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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

What 2013 has taught me.

Where has the time gone?  One minute it is the build up to Christmas and next the New Year is upon us.  Just hours away. 

If I could sum up what I have learned this past year with the dogs, it would be body language.  Using mine and learning theirs.

I can guide the dogs into any position, change their behavior or help through something by the communication of body language.  Theirs and mine.  It speaks louder than my voice and it is gentle and more effective than teaching a command.  In turn it helps me to study them and their body language and what they are trying to convey to me.  Especially when dealing with more than one dog.

It's like being in a dance with your partner and letting the rhythm move you instead of memorized steps. 
Or like swaying with the wind and letting blow through you, instead of resisting it.  It becomes a deeper and more beautiful connection to be one with it.  And somehow I understand that.

And so my dear friends as we bid farewell to 2013, I wish many blessing and givings  for the upcoming year.  May we all engage a closer with the ones we love, especially the furry ones.  :)

Thank you for making our year a better and happier place in blogville.  We can't thank  you enough for your support.

Take care my friends and we'll see  you on the other side.  

And always remember...

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