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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Post Christmas Update

Hello!  Hope everyone's holiday was good.  We had a simple but wonderful Christmas together and enjoyed Christmas dinner with new friends.  Which was delicious!  We had a great time talking about animals of all sorts and how they are a part of our lives.  Great conversation on such a special day.

We got dumped with snow over the last two weeks.  It's a good foot and half deep and the dogs have come out of their summer hibernation.  They are having the time of their lives chasing and hunting and eating lots of snow, when we are not in a deep freeze, that is.  The temperatures have been frigid, below zero.  We had quite a "warm up" the last few days and it actually reached above freezing, about 35F degrees.

The times during the Arctic blast are tough.  The dogs can barely go out to do their business before their paws freeze up.  So there is no playing outside or going for walks and that makes it hard for everybody.  Talk about early cabin fever!   And it's only December!  So we are working on learning new tricks, indoor games and resting up for the for when we can go dog sledding.

For those of you new to our blog, we dog sled in the winter.   We only do it for recreation and for something different for the dogs and I to learn.  They all love it, though each has their little quirks with it, but since they are all part Husky and come from race lines, there's nothing more they love to do than pull!!  I've found myself a little more hesitant this year getting started than in previous years.  The extreme amount of snow and cold temperatures this December were like a shock to my system.  Usually we are unable to sled until the beginning of January.  Then with the holidays and all, my heart hasn't been in it just yet.  Although hubby was saying that if the roads are good we are thinking about going today.  The road was great until it warmed up and now it is a bit splotchy with bare road showing right where the dogs run, but we are suppose to get more snow tonight.  So we'll see.  I'll only go if the road is safe and the dogs are up to doing it.  Safety first.

So that's our little headline for to catch you up since Christmas.  And just like that it's time to get ready for the New Year.  Amazing how time flies, isn't it?        

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