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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What does Brut think about his kids?

I wonder what Brut thinks of his kids?  I wonder what thoughts run through his mind when he sees and interacts with them.

Does he see any of his qualities or traits?

Does he see the possibilities in each of them?

And what he needs them to be as part of pack?

He shows both affection and discipline that he is not afraid to use.  Sometimes it is harsh and other times it is with just a look of his eyes.

I have watched both Brut and Silver shape and mold Fiona and Zappa as they have evolved and grown over the years, yet I can't tell you one thought that crosses their mind between their blood relationships.

I can examine their body language and actions but this only tells me of their behaviors.  What does Brut think of his personal relationships with his son and daughter?  I don't think it's any less than what any parent thinks of their child, I just think it is different.  It can't be based on a human scale.  It is something that that only a dog would know and understand.

But wouldn't it be so cool to understand it?  And to really cross that barrier and grasp that line of thinking?

Like what Silver was thinking as she watched her eight puppies leave out of her care and never come back   again.  There had to be some powerful communication to each of them, that we'll never know.

Or what she thinks about Chance and Blaze coming back?  Does she still know they are her children and what does she think about them and her relationship to them?

I do believe they all know they are related, but it is at a higher level of communication.  I also believe there is a great understanding in the separation and they all know that things have changed.

Always just curious to get inside the mind of a dog.


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