© 2025 24 Paws of Love

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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Monday, October 28, 2013

What's the first thing that pops into your head when you look at this photo?

Write it in the comment box.  Whatever you think of first.
(and no, we don't have snow yet :(  Pic from last winter.)

Monday, October 21, 2013

Our "Darling" little Blaze

We had a pretty dreary weekend with lots of rainy skies.  It would downpour for several hours and then the sun would come out for a couple.  Well, it was during one of those breaks that decided to walk Blaze as she was next on the walking list.  Well, we weren't the only ones ones who decided to take advantage of the sunny skies, it seemed like the whole neighborhood was out walking their dogs and Blaze isn't good with other dogs.  I thought she was going to jump right out of her skin!  And I completely caught off guard.  Who would have thought in the middle of the afternoon people would be out dog walking??  A rare sight in this neighborhood. 

I tried my best not to get frustrated and trying to stay as calm as I could.  I kept correcting her not to pull but it was difficult because she was wound up like top.  Blaze is so hard to control once she gets that high strung, so actually we did pretty good together under the circumstances.  The worse part is she doesn't seem to calm down once she gets razzed up like that.  So the walk really becomes a challenge.  At one point two dogs were behind us and once she knew that I had to cut into the woods and get them out her sight path.  Then I made the mistake of coming back out to the street, where the dogs had just walked, because I didn't want to walk in the drenched grass and she still went bananas sniffing their path.  It was a no win situation and I was just glad to finally make it home.

There were no more walks after that.  The rest would have to wait.  One crazy walk with Blaze did me in for the day.  Yep, I was all done.  And sometimes that's just how it rolls here at the 24 Paws of Love.  We pack up the leashes and save them for another day.     

When Momma can't take no more, she means it!!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Thanks for not Being Like Them.

Before I started dog blogging, I started out on dog forums.  It was an eye opening experience.  People who claimed to be dog lovers, were quite ruthless with their believes and would attack anyone who differed from them.

One example:  If you didn't feed a raw diet you were practically considered evil to your dog.

Another:  When I was struggling with Brut's aggression on a daily basis, I asked for help, suggestions, or how to cope and I was chastised for making him a father and bringing more aggressive dogs into this world (in their minds).

It was pretty ugly.  My thin skin couldn't handle all of the abuse and self-righteousness that was being flung around, so I quit going to the forums.  And because of it, I almost didn't blog at all.  I just didn't think I could handle being judged so harshly.  What I did with my dogs was my business, just like what someone else does with theirs, is there own.  And how did that give anyone the right to knife me, if no real harm was being done?

Looking back now, I learned a few things from going on those forums.  I didn't want to act or be anything like them to someone else.  I'm a big believer in everyone having their own freedom and choices, even if I don't agree with them.  I think everyone has the right to be who they are and do what they feel they must do for their dogs.  I loved the post I did on Brut (HERE) where I spoke of my choice to keep him intact.  And several readers commented that it wouldn't be their choice but respected my decision to do so.  I found that very cool!!  That's the kind of stuff, I would like more of, agree to disagree.  I think sometimes people are afraid to state their opinions, like myself, because it isn't nice or they are afraid of starting controversy.  Unless you are trying to tell me how to do my job with my dogs or my life, I am open to different opinions and ideas.

I appreciate the support and understanding I have gotten on our blog.  It has made such a difference in our lives to know there is a place to go and just be ourselves.  It has helped in untangling this web of Brut's aggressions, Chance and Blaze's anxiety, and any other problem we've come across with our dogs and ourselves.  We are able to share and get feedback that encourages us.  I've spoken before about the chastising we've gotten about our dogs, having so many, from people who really don't care about animals like we do.  You can only blow off so much of before it starts to get to you.  And now we always have this wonderful place in the dog blog world to come and be apart of other crazy bloggers who really understand. And we would like to thank you again and again for making our lives and our dogs better for knowing this great land of dog blog world.        


Monday, October 14, 2013

Liquid Bandage for Zappa

 That darn Brut!!
You may remember our trip to the pet store with Zappa, who actually went inside the store.  We were in there to get a fitting for a cone of shame for Zappa.  This after Brut and Zappa got into a scuffle in an over excited rush to get a critter that was outside the fence.

Well, I had some concerns about the using the cone, because Brut would view it as a threat.  Anything that is extreme or changes his sense of order and knowing becomes an issue he will feel the need to address.  And not very nicely.

 Pbffffffffffffttt to boo-boo's

We had one last shot at an idea that hubby came up with before resorting to the cone and having to separate the boys.  We thought we would try a liquid bandage spray that we had.  Since the scrape was on top of his muzzle and he couldn't lick it, we thought it might be a good option.

It said to apply 1-3 times a day, but since it took two of us to do it, we only did it once at night, hoping for the best results.  I would cover Zappa's eyes with a washcloth, while hubby held and covered the top of his nose while he sprayed.

It worked like a charm.  Zappa left the site alone the entire next day and eventually the raw skin began to turn pink.

 Mommy how much longer until it's healed?

We used this liquid bandage for about 5 or 6 days before we thought the sore was healing enough on it's own.  Zappa did still rub it a bit with his paws but the covering of the "bandage" helped to keep it protected enough to start healing. 

We are so glad that this solution worked for us, because just a few minutes of the cone of shame on and we instantly had a problem with Brut.  This way we were able to avoid another aggravated mess and keep Brut in good spirits without ever knowing there was a problem.  And that made it all worth it for everyone!

  10 days from start of Liquid Bandage.
Looking Good!

Friday, October 11, 2013

The Perfect Brut Walk

Flowing together 
with a rhythm and a beat
makes us an unstoppable unit.

Jiving at the same octave
in a melodic song
that only we know.

Like sunshine in our hearts
mixed with a cool summer's eve
we walk the perfect walk together
Brut and me

Happy Birthday Brut!  Thank you for 7 years of perfect and not-so-perfect walks and everything in between.  Thank you for being my one and only Boothead.  Don't ever stop being you.  Love you forever.

Not-so-perfect walks?
She'll get it sooner or later.  ;)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Angel Jan.2 2008-Oct. 9, 2012

Never stop loving you.

A year ago today we lost one of our sweet pups from our litter and a couple lost their sweet girl when Angel was hit by a car.  We were so blessed to be part of the burial and see our darling winged girl one more time so we could say goodbye.  We still say good night to her every night before bed and know she's having a great time with Grumpy.  And many others we have lost over the years, waiting for the day we will see her again.  

Forever, Angel.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Problem with Comment link?

I've learned that for some readers there is not a "comment" link at the bottom of the post and so some bloggers are unable to comment.

At the end of the post it should read:

All barking by 24 Paws of Love
(share buttons)
# Howling Comments  

If you do not see the Howling Comments link to comment.  Could you please let me know by emailing Patty at 24pawsoflove(at)gmail(dot)com

And if you can let me know what browser(s) you are using.  Once I have this information, I will do what I can to fix the problem.  

My apologies to anyone who wanted to comment and hasn't been able to. 

Thanks so much for your help.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Zappa Zingers-Familiar Feeling

You know Mom, there's something familiar about this...

kind of reminds me of the first time I saw you.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Mom Cone of Shame

I am a horrible blogger and an even worse dog mom.

We went to Pet Supplies Plus to buy a cone of shame for Zappa who got a scrap on his nose from Brut after they went crazy over a critter.  And that's not the bad part.

The bad part is Zappa went into a store for the first time and I didn't have one photographic device on me to the capture the awesome moment!

I know, I know, what century am I living in?  Minus two points for mother of the year award.

Zappa even wore the cone of shame around the store.  (It was a good blocker for grabbing treats.)  bol! He did really great for his first time, like he'd been doing in all along.  I don't think his nose knew what to do being surrounded by so much food!!  In fact he thought he hit the mother load when he found some spilled food on one of the shelves.  Talk about a bonus!

We were basically the only ones in the store and Zappa was the only dog.  Which was a great first time advantage.  He was digging it.

I've only had to use the cone a few times.  We decided to try one last thing that we hoped would work first and got the cone for a backup.  We used a liquid bandage.  It's a spray on protective and is working really good.  Zappa is finally starting to scab.

So while I don't have photos of Mr. Boo-Boo or our first in-store experience, just imagine a happy dog surrounded by stacks and stacks of dog food, aisles of toys and goodies and being the calm, cool and collective dog that makes Zappa, Zappa.