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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

So how did the other dogs do?

Brut wasn't the only one who passed with flying colors when our company came this past weekend.

Chance and Blaze, the two that were hurt by children with their previous owners, haven't been around children since.  They wasted no time running up to the little girl to say hello, as well as the rest of our guest.  You'd have thought they'd been greeting people all of their lives.

Shy Fiona was right in with the attention that was being handed out.  Normally she holds back and takes her time getting used to the person before she ready to let herself be touched.  Not this time, she was right in the middle of everything and soaking in all the lovin.

Zappa the social butterfly was in his glory.  People!  People!  People!  All the more for petting, belly rubs and ear scratches!

Then there was Silver, who at one point had the room to herself and her puppy, playful antics were popping out all over the place.  For those moments she was the star of the show and she lapped up all the attention she could get. 

Even Boxer who has never been around children was showered in the attention of the little girl who had fallen in love with him instantly, was cuddly and friendly.

All in all our visit was more of a success than I could've thought of, especially with Brut being the highlight of the weekend.  I'm so proud of all of them and glad to see how hard work and lots and lots of baby steps have brought us this far.  I couldn't have asked for a better weekend.  :)   

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