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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, September 20, 2013

Hunting with Fluttering Fiona

Fiona has a delicate, but strong soul.  When you get her by herself, she reminds me of a butterfly that flutters with grace and joy.

We were heading off for a walk together and I used a regular walking harness, instead of her no-pull one that she doesn't like or really need and that made her feel even more special.

We start off down the road and I had already decided to let Fiona lead the way.  Once we were up the road, she turns into the woods following her active nose.  We turn this way and that way, stopping here and there and this whole time Fiona is just glowing.  It's as if she's been waiting to show and share this adventure with me all along.

A chipmunk chirps and Fiona stops dead in her racks.  Then we are off!  Bouncing around in circles.  Pausing to hear the little critter again.  Through the thick brush we jump and dodge fallen logs.  Taking sniffing breaks at the trees our prey might have been at.

And then the excitement quiets as we follow the deer trails with alert senses traipsing across the little woods.
"Chirp-Chirp-Chirp!"  I swear Fiona's heart stopped.  Then we dash through the thicket around in a circular fashion, trying to narrow in on the tiny rodent.

I can barely wipe the smile off of my face of the sheer awe and beauty I am enraptured in.  This is a side of Fiona I've never seen before.  Chasing squirrels with the boys in the backyard in one thing but watching her on her own is like watching a flowing angel.  It feels sacred and personal, as if this precious time was just for me and her.  I cherished our special time together as I watched Fiona come into their own and beautifully own it.


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