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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, September 13, 2013

A Mommy Minute

I've had six dogs in my face All. Day. Long.  Zappa was barking up a storm today and just wouldn't be quiet.  Then that gets the Howling Choir going.  Bark!  Bark!  Bark! and Repeat!  If that wasn't bad enough Brut was barking to come in and then would turn and run in hopes of me taking him for a walk.  This is pretty common, but today he wouldn't stop doing it.  Again, All. Day. Long.  Fiona was somewhat snarly today too.  Not sure what was up with her, but she didn't want anyone in her space.  And because it was cold out today, EVERYBODY wanted to play outside.  My hands were froze from the North winds in minutes flat.  I didn't last long after having 80 temperatures the day before and sweating from dog walks.  Give me some time to adjust Mother Nature!  Geez!!  Today's dog walks were in winter gear.  Hats and winter coats.  Yes, it was cold. 

So I'm taking this mommy minute because it's been a rough day and I needed to vent and breathe again.  :)

Some of the neat things that happened was I got to cuddle and play with Fiona, Zappa and Silver inside without Brut.  Fiona and I had some quiet playtime, which is really rare and so very precious.  We are still learning to play with each other since she grew up playing with Zappa all the time.  She so adorable. 

Zappa has learned to sit and wiggle his butt back into a lay position for a treat.  Today he is learning how to stay and wait for treat. 

Chance and I played his "fishing pole" game.  ( A toy on the end of a springy line hooked to a fishing pole)  He won't play with anything else.  He does all these flips and twist and jumps that are so amazing.  Today I dragged in on the ground more, running with it while he chased it like prey.  He just loved it. 

I had fresh lima beans from the garden, as well as tomatoes, green beans and cucumbers.  A favorite treat for Chance and Blaze. (except the tomatoes of course)  They had no problem helping me eat my veggies.  :)

It is suppose to be colder tomorrow and frost is expected.  I have a tarp to cover the garden, I just hope it survives the cold. 

I've been working hard on a larger scale project and I hope to unveil in the coming months.  It's taken a good chunk of my time, and sometimes cuts into my blog reading time.  So forgive me if it doesn't look like I'm around much, I am reading. 

And I think mommy's minute is over as it's late and time for bed.  Thanks for joining me.  

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