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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

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Brut Quote

Friday, August 9, 2013

the Power of One-on-One Attention

White Dog Army from White Dog Diaries Online made an important comment that I thought I would share and expand upon.

"One-on-one is so crucial especially in families with big packs."

I found it as a coping tool that when all the dogs were too much at once, I would take one and run away with them.  I still do.  I've found the best way not only for me, but the dogs as well is taking that one-on-one time with each and every one.  It's taking that quality time and giving it all to one, be it 15 minutes or an hour.  And as many of you commented on this post you felt the same way.  Having and giving that complete individual attention with each dog makes for a happier pack and makes the pack easier to manage.  

Taking that special time with one dog, they loosen up out that strong pack mentality and are a little more carefree with letting more of their true personalities show.  There's no pressure or threats or vying for your attention, they have all of you and they have no problem giving all of themselves to you.  It's in those moments and quiet time when you really bond and forge a new level of true love.  You understand each other better, there's a little more peace of mind and you embrace these secret meetings like nothing else matter but you two.  The time together is priceless and immeasurable.  It is precious and true and is so vital in staying in tune with each individual dog and the pack as a whole.  And being a solitary person, taking that one-on-one time just came natural to me when dealing with a "crowd."  It is like sharing secrets that the others will never know.  And it is those secrets you share in a look in the hustle and bustle of the pack that you know will hold true forever.     

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