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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Chewy.com-Orijen review-they should have fired us by now

An Understanding Company-Chewy.com

If there is a great company to do a review for, it has to be Chewy.com.  This is our second time working with them and they have been quite gracious with us.  The first time was when our two puppies from our litter died and we were in such grief that we put off doing the review for a couple of months and Chewy.com understood.

This time I prepared early, had my husband shoot our little review video only to find out a couple of days later that he never hit the record button.  Which he swears he did.  So me of course knowing that I would never do something like that, set up the recorder without him, did my review with the dogs only to find out I went through all the whole shoot to do the same thing.  No video.

So the Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb that we are find ourselves once again a month behind from when I wanted to share this review.  And rather than go one more round with the camcorder and stupidity, I figure I'd better quit while I'm ahead.  BOL!

The Product- Orijen Freeze Dried Dog Treats

O.M.D!! I thought Blaze was going to tear the bag out of my hands!  And you know it's ravishing if Brut starts snarling and fending the other dogs away!

They had several delicious treats to choose from, like Bison, Duck (which we clearly stayed away lest one of the dogs get any ideas with Luigi.  BOL!)  And plenty more.  You can check all of them out HERE.

We decided to try something new for us, Tundra Dog.  Vension, elk, quail and trout all in one treat!

And this was what made Brut growl and drool:  all natural meats and that is it!

One thing I loved about the treats is that were soft enough to break into two, but didn't crumble like most freeze-dried treats we have tried.  By the look and feel of them you couldn't tell they were a freeze dried treat.  The treats were soft, not hard and dried out.  
I loved the ingredients.  (very easy to read) and of course because of the real meat in them, the dogs went crazy for them.  I ended up having to separate them because it triggered off their food protective instinct.

Yes, this stuff even smelled good to me.

The 24 Paws give Orijen Freezed Dried Treats 24 Paws Up!!

Thank you to Chewy.com for giving us this opportunity to try Orijen Freeze Dried Treats and in return I gave this review with my honest thoughts and opinion about the treat.

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