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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Popping up to say Hello

It has been a pretty intense time period since we last blog almost a week ago.  I will share about what happened at a later time.  For now I'm still digesting.  

We have a new comment form that I'm not sure if it will be working when you read this.  It from Disqus and it may take 24 hours to be fully operational, but please feel free to try.  It is more user friendly that the old Blogger one and we hope that it will help those who haven't been able to comment in the past be able to now.

Brut and I had a great practice walk the other day and I was just soaring all the way through.  It was an awesome experience.  He started right off turning before the end of the leash for a treat and not pulling.  Then I started to give him a treat every other time he turned, he continued to turn and still didn't pull.  We even walked by his nemesis' house and he stayed focused on me.  A deer ran from the side of the road and all he could think about was cheese.  bol!  Now I'm not one to use lots of treats for leash training because I don't want him to rely on the treats alone, but to really change Brut's behavior, I'm demanding his attention and it is working.  And for a reward, I let him take the reins on the way home.  Brut had me running down the paths and winding through the trails laughing and laughing.  It was a great walk!

Alex and his friends
Six years ago today I had to put my boy, Alex down because his bad hips gave out on him.  His back legs were unable to hold him up any more.  He was about 15 years old and he had a great life.  I still miss him. I still cry over him.  And I still picture him lying on the floor, hanging out with the dogs.  He was such a great dog.  His memorial garden is flourishing and the flowering bush is filled with buds ready to burst.

In the meantime, we are getting the veggie garden ready to plant.  Hopefully by mid-week.  Cross your paws for no more frost.  Last night was hopefully the last night.  My plants are ready to go in the ground, ready to burst from their pots. From seed I planted tomatoes, cucumbers, lima beans, hot and green peppers, broccoli, and I added pumpkin for the first time.  Since I usually cook, cut and freeze a couple of pumpkins for the dogs and cats, I figured I'd try growing my own and save a few buck.  Plus hubby like pumpkin pie and fresh is always so much better.  After I get my seedlings in the ground I will plant radishes, carrots, onions and green beans.  And then pray that it finally gets and stays warm for the rest of the summer!

Well, that's the latest update.  We hope all our blogging buddies are doing well and have a great day!    

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