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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Monday, April 8, 2013

We're back


I hadn't meant to take a blogging break but with hubby home for the week and me having a wisdom tooth pulled it just turned out that way.  It has been an interesting week and was so nice for both of us to be home to handle all the animals, not to mention just enjoying each others company.  :)

I got the chance to talk 'dog' with the dental assistant.  Once we started sharing, she was pulling out her phone to show me pictures of her beautiful dogs.  She had two Sheperds and a Bull Mastiff that were all just gorgeous.  Since I didn't have any pics on me, it would have been a perfect opportunity to give her the blog address, but unlike my husband who will boast to anyone that will listen, I'm too chicken.  And besides I was just enjoying watching another human light up talking about their furry loves with another dog lover.

Chance (Front Dogs)and Silver got to hang out together when Daddy took Blaze for a ride and left Chance all alone.  So I invited Silver from the Back Dogs so he could have some company.  And we played games after Silver marked every part of Blaze's yard.  BOL!  We know who's top female here!

Silver and Chance don't really play together but Chance will try to paw and pounce at Silver and after a quick snap from Silver, Chance will start tearing around the yard and coming back for more.  That's about the extension of their play, but they are good together and respect each other and they even posed for some pics together.

 There was also lots of yummy treats
like these peanut butter, carrot milkbones.

  And the Bully Sticks we bought at Christmas time finally came out for everyone to enjoy.

And some that we helped ourselves to.

We enjoyed our week off with plenty of dog walks and making dirt pies..

And of course we got plenty of rest
 Always wish vacations could be longer, but we were grateful for the time together.  How was your week?


P.S.  Our 24 Paws are crossed for Peggy, Kelly and her family at Peggy's Pet Place after losing Brooks this past weekend.  Our hearts go out to all of them.  



Unknown said...

That looks like a great vacation you had. Being at home with the dogs is the best. Have a marvelous Monday.
Best wishes Molly

How Sam Sees It said...

We made fun business cards for the blog. That way if we talk to interested folks we can hand them one. :D


Sage said...

Except for the pulled tooth, it sounds like a nice, relaxing week. We all need them!

Pamela said...

Glad to hear most of your week was more fun than a wisdom tooth extraction. :)

BTW, get yourself some cute business cards. It's just sad that your dental hygienist missed out on your blog because you were shy.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a fab time, lovely to have you back!

Kari in Alaska said...

Welcome back! Those carrot bones look yummy

Stop on by for a visit

Pup Fan said...

Welcome back! Hope you are on the mend from your wisdom tooth surgery!

White Dog Blog said...

Having a wisdom tooth pulled doesn't sound very vacation-y but spending time talking dog children always is a delight. Your precious family time together had to feel like a gift... so glad you had the opportunity!

Pet Sitting Franchise NY said...

I just love the way dogs sleep but always keep an ear out for you.

Nothing beats relaxing with your lovable pets beside you.

Pet Business Opportunity NY