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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

EZ Walk Harness Update

Without the EZ Harness my arm is ready to pop!
I'm still working with the dogs with the EZ Walk Harness and I've got to tell you what a huge relief it is.  I have never been 100% comfortable with the nose harness (like a Halti) and still feel bad for using it, but with the EZ walk harness it is like a huge weight has been lifted.  It is easy to use and control, but the biggest relief is that the dogs are so relaxed and comfortable in it, which eases my consciousness.  Even Brut.  And while we still have some practicing to do I am thoroughly impressed with the ease and toll it takes off my body.  The bursitis in my shoulder is thanking me immensely.

For some reason some of the dogs are taking to the harness so well, I barely have to do anything but enjoy the walk, like with Fiona, Chance and Zappa.  It really is quite mind blowing, to go from some form of tension and pulling on the leash to hardly any.  Even Brut, Mr. Determined seems to be thrown from plowing forward any way he wants to go by letting up on the leash.  I'll have a long way to go with him, but he hasn't reached any level of frustration or copped an attitude yet, so we are doing great!

One thing I love about the brand of EZ Walk Harness that we got it has two clasps, one for the chest and one that goes around the back and because of that I don't have to slip the harness over anyone's head.  That is a gift.  I don't know if they are all designed that way, but I'd never get it on some of the dogs if it had to go over their heads.

And so we are rocking and rolling with the EZ Walk Harness and I couldn't be more pleased.  I meant to get photos of the dogs wearing them, but I completely forgot the last time we were out and today it rained, so please forgive me.  You'll just have to take our word that it is working for us!


Unknown said...

Great news that it is working for you. We hate the Halti too so we never use one. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

How Sam Sees It said...

We use those on our boys and love them. One word of warning, if you dog pulls suddenly backwards, the harness very easily pops off their heads. On Monty (who has no recall whatsoever) we clip a thin cord from the leash buckle to his regular collar. That way if the harness pops off, we still have him.


CaninesCouture said...

Nice! I need a harness for my Smoosh. He loves to just slip right out of that collar of his.


Jules of Canines & Couture

Sage said...

We tried the Halti also and Toby hated it. I've never used the EZ one--sage is easy to walk.

houndstooth said...

We have two of their different harnesses, and I love them both! One is more for riding in the car with a seat belt strap on and the other is more for active walking. One of them is really a no pull harness, too, which I'm guessing is the one you're using. I know their leashes are pricey, but I will tell you that I am also a big fan of their Zero Shock leash, and it might be really good for your shoulder, too. It has a bit of elastic in part of it. It will still stop your dog if you stop, but it has a little give, so it's like stopping with a shock absorber. It's my favorite leash for walking now, and another thing I like about it is that it has a traffic handle, so if you want to keep your dog close to you, say in busy traffic or as a car passes, you can do that. Sheesh! I sound like a commercial! I'm not, I'm just a satisfied customer. I'm glad things are going well for you and that you found something that works for you and the dogs!

White Dog Blog said...

It is great to hear the new harnesses are providing relief for you and are comfortable for the pups...and that they are effective!

Pet Sitting Franchise NY said...

Yes, a Halti doesn't look and feel good (at least from my dog's perspective).

I'ma get me one this.

Pet Business Opportunity NY

Greyhounds CAN Sit said...

I like the ezy walk for Frankie too, not that we do much on lead walking. He can still pull but not as bad as just using a collar. And it doesn't make him choke:) So glad it's a success for you!