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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, March 15, 2013

It just makes us sick!

Brut wasn't happy about the news either.

Another site of animal cruelty that tug on our heartstrings as we watched the local news.  40-50 Husky mixes that may have been sled dogs at one time.  Malnourished, underweight, cover in their own feces with at least one young litter or two that were still nursing.  And it just breaks your heart over and over again.

This time though it really got to my husband and I as we watched.  We were still talking about it the next day, that's how bothersome it was for us.  Beautiful dogs being hurt and the fact that they may have been sled dogs pulled on us hard.  Sled dogs need to eat more, high protein and fat diets to maintain their weight they work off and being able to maintain their condition for living outdoors.  

We wanted to save them all.  Some.  Even one.  And it was another time we could do nothing but pray.  

I hope they pay for what they did to those dogs.

You can read about it HERE.


Khady Lynn said...

I just don't understand how people can do such things. And, the worst thing is, they always claim to "love" animals. That is NOT love! I sure hope the poor dogs can get the care they need and find new loving homes where they can be spoiled rotten!

Holly & Khady

How Sam Sees It said...

It breaks our heart to read these stories. I always wish we could do so much more.


Collie222 said...

So sad. :(

Pamela said...

It's hard to understand how anyone could treat dogs so badly without having their hearts broken.

Sage said...

There's just WAY too much of this and I'm with you. It makes me sick.