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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Absence makes the heart grow fonder...

Where are they?  Don't they know it's past dinner time?

We were on our way home from an out of town appointment that's close to about four hours round trip not including the office visit.  About an hour from home, I start to worry a bit about the dogs.  Hoping they are OK, knowing it is past dinner time and I start to get excited about seeing them again.  It's then that I start thinking, I don't know if I could ever do an overnight trip without the 24 Paws, because about an hour before getting home or by the fifth hour we're away I start worrying and thinking about how much I can't wait to see them.  Sure I can't wait to take a break and get away, I've even dreamed of taking vacations, but really I can't stay away from the dogs for too long.  They are my sanity, security and comfort that I start to long for when we do leave for short day trips.

Not to mention the wonderful woo-woo greetings we get and how happy we are to see each other.  How do people live without that?  Or how about the dog owners that completely ignore that enthusiastic welcome?  It is too precious and sweet not to rejoice in reuniting with each other.  I don't even get up from my chair or leave the computer when hubby comes home after a long day of work.  I should be so passionate in my hello to him like the dogs are.  :)

Your home!  Your home!  Your finally home!

It had been a long day for everyone so I took a little special time with each dog to tell them how much I loved them.  Belly rubs, hugs, scritches, kisses to thank them for being the great healers they are for my body, soul and mind as I got them ready for bed.  And my day was complete.  Couldn't ask for better.  It was just great to be home.  Home with the 24 Paws of Love.

Does anyone else feel like this?


Unknown said...

We know that feeling all to well. Unless someone is with them we worry too and don't enjoy ourselves. Coming home we are always in a rush to say hello. Lovely when you can say it is good to be home. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

sharkgila said...

We know that feeling! We've made lesser overnights trips because of our furries - and we plan holidays around having a sitter for them.
The welcome home is always a joy, no matter if 3 days or 3 hours.

Saved by Dogs said...

It's important to be loved, isn't it :-)

Pamela said...

One reason it's nice having one or two dogs is because it's easier to travel with them.

BTW, I know of one blogger who travels with 6 huskies in an RV. Perhaps someday you'll be able to do the same with your 2 packs. :)

Unknown said...

Yes we know that feeling! We now plan our trips around the furry family so that at least one member of our 'human' family is here with them at all times as I worry when they are alone too long.

As for the welcome when you walk through the door . . . nothing beats it xx

houndstooth said...

That's why the dogs usually come along with us on long trips! ;) They're great travelers and make it a lot more fun.

houndstooth said...

That's why the dogs usually come along with us on long trips! ;) They're great travelers and make it a lot more fun.

Khady Lynn said...

There is nothing better than being greeted by furry faces and slobbery kisses!

Holly & Khady

House of Carnivores said...

Totally agreed! I'm not even too keen on work days taking me away all day and always worry about them, what they're doing, and if they miss me.

White Dog Blog said...

Momma totally understands how you feel. That is why she and dad did not go to a hotel when the plumbing burst. She could not bear to think of us alone all night, worrying, and out of our routine. Instead she and dad "roughed" it for three days and nights without running water or facilities.

Anonymous said...

Is there a better feeling than been greated by your pet??!!