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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Hello readers!  Due to technical problems our dog sledding update from this weekend was delayed until today and what a time it was!  I am still reeling from it.  From start to finish the whole run ran smoothly with only one stop and no tangles.  It was great!  Zappa and Silver were kicking on this run, not like last weekend when they ran like they just woke up and the snow was slow.  The road was faster than last weekend, which makes a big difference when there is a good smooth base.  We shaved about 3 minutes off of last week's time.  See if you can tell the difference.

(Watch on YouTube)

They almost look like they know what they are doing!  I'm quite stunned by the whole adventure and at how well all three of us did together.  I'm so proud of them.  Silver is really digging it and Zappa is loving having a partner to cruise with.  I never tire of this experience.  It is just a joy and privilege to have dogs that love it as much as I do.


bichonpawz said...

Awesome sledding video!!! We think they did just great!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

jet said...

so much quicker than last time, do you think they are getting fitter ?

Unknown said...

Kick A$$ you did! Pawsome video. We were running with you in our minds. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

Boss Mare Eventing said...

Looks like such a blast!!

Collie222 said...

Nice to see dogs enjoying this frozen mess! lol

24 Paws of Love said...

re: Jet, yes and I think they are figuring out how the whole sledding thing works. They are building those pulling muscles that they don't much for anything else and that is helping as well.

Sage said...

Wow! That was a great workout for all of you. Silver & Zappa were really into it. Loved the video!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, they look great together! Nice job!

White Dog Blog said...

You SHOULD be proud! Very impressive!