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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Sledding dreams do come true

I must share about our weekend.  It was too good to be true.  You know when you have those doubts and you think you need to give up your dream?  That's what happened to me when I thought I might get Chance into a harness to go sledding.  I have been having great luck with working with him and getting familiar with his pulling harness, but I pushed the limit putting it all the way on him.  He wasn't quite ready for that.  Even though I knew more than likely he wouldn't go, I was crushed.  And that's when I asked my husband, "should I just give this up?"  He looked at me as only an optimist can only look at such a pessimist and said," like forever?"  I nodded.  In exasperation he said, "No.  Chance is deeply scar from his past.  He's not like Zappa or Fiona."  I hung my head for a few minutes, so afraid I was going to have to give up on everything I'd been working so hard to achieve.   Then I threw out the old tapes and said, "Lets take Zappa and Silver."

It was mess trying to get them hooked up, they kept getting tangled with each other, but once we finally got going, it went great!  Zappa was in heaven not having to be by himself and being able to run with somebody and Silver was right up there with him enjoying the challenge.  She was even pulling!!  When we got to the top of the hill near the end of the road, we stopped for some reason and they both dove into the snow sniffing like cray, like this was what they were after in the first place.  More tangling mess.  I tried something different with the lines and now know not to do that again. bol!  Once they were done and situated, they were ready to go again.  Both with all the pep and vigor they had in them.

We didn't go too far before I turned them around to go home.  They did just over a half mile (about 1km).  I didn't want to overdo either of them and wanted to keep it as fun as possible.  It was my first time out sledding.  Dad was there for help and we both forgot the camera and video.  I was thoroughly impressed with Silver, because normally she won't pull and is just a good running companion.  And Zappa, you could see him just light up running with mommy and sharing in the moment.  It helps that Zappa and Silver are so close.They kept a steady pace, stayed on track and listened pretty good even though they don't know any commands.  It was a great first ride and I'm excited to do it again.  Now if all the snow doesn't melt in the next week, we might get another shot at it!!


Unknown said...

That sounds like so much fun. Maybe slowly Chance will grow to like it? Zappa and Silver sounded like they enjoyed it and so did you. Nice one! Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Val said...

Well that sounded like an awesome time. Hopefully Chance will realize what he's missing and want to join in the fun before the snow melts. Happy Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that must have been so much fun!!

Anonymous said...

How cool! Yay for the pack! :D

Waggin at ya,

GizmoGeodog said...

You made great progress...Yay!

jen said...

How fun and I'm so jealous!

Sage said...

What a lot of fun for all of you! I'm sure Chance will come around eventually...you've done a magnificent job of working with him.