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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, January 18, 2013

How I know when my world is alright.

I don't know about anyone else, but the winter blues having been getting me down.  When my world feels off  each dog shares something with me that makes it feel alright again.  With Silver it playing tag or fetch with her, just watching her play is a joy.  Special kisses from Zappa because Daddy's dog.  With Fiona it is her laying on my feet at night for that sense of security.  Blaze will plop down in front of me waiting for kisses on the forehead and Chance makes everything better by letting me snuggle and hold him when I'm feeling down.  And while everyone played their part today it was my walk with Brut that settled my soul and brought peace to my little world.  

We went around my favorite time, just before dusk.  I hooked Brut up to pull a small log (maybe 10 pounds) because in the winter this snow dog has too much energy for me to handle.  :)  And we headed off.  And I felt the weight of my sorrows and troubles begin to just melt away as we jogged along.  I let him decide most of the path and I just followed.  It will always blow my mind how deeply in sync we can be.  There have been more than enough walks that we push and pull against each other, even if it is in fun, it can be exhausting.  With Brut pulling he had to think about what he was doing, plus he was using different muscles and pulling weight was wearing himself out.  I felt like we were in our own little world.  It was so perfect.  And as my depression worked itself out with each footprint and the cold put a freeze on all of the bad and worthless thoughts, I felt the rippling between us of two being one.

And it was just that simple.  Just Brut and I and the perfect walk.  The need to be alone in our solitude together.  Understanding each other's need and the equality that this was our walk.  For both of us, hidden in our fortress of the waning sky where we can just be.  

What does your dog give you for that peace of mind when your world feels astray?    


Unknown said...

My peeps never has time to worry when I am around. We however love to go for our walks too and I hunt and peeps laughs. Best medicine. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Maxmom said...

What a beautiful, honest post! Thank you for sharing your mood with us...
So many of us suffer the same affliction and it's such a blessing to have our beautiful dogs around to share our souls and urge us along. The knowledge too that others feel the same thing somehow eases the burden.
Remember, when your Spring arrives, our winter (Blues) will start to settle in. Although you have winter now, remember that there are people on the other side of the world who are having beautiful sunshine.
It's raining at the moment here in Johannesburg - a soft, soaking rain that will settle in in the next day or two (a 'summer' occurrence. Then, when the sun peeps out, everything starts to grow again. Hold onto that hope and hug your heart tight.
Sending lotsaluv

Collie222 said...

Like you, each of my collies brings something different to my life. Isn't it amazing how different each dog's personality truly is?

Julia Williams said...

It is amazing how our animal friends know just what we need to lift our spirits. My heart cat Belle will come and drape herself over my shoulder, sinking into my body in a way that clearly conveys love. It's hard to be depressed in moments like that.

Boss Mare Eventing said...

My guys are just always so - themselves. No matter how I feel, if I'm upset and can't shake that down feeling...they are with me at my side. They play and do the most hilarious things - and I can't help but start laughing. They are so good at that.

White Dog Blog said...

The perfect companion with the perfect connection to make a perfect melding of souls! Each of the WDA has a different gift of magic and depending on the situation is the right choice. White Dog, my daemon, half my soul, is the one who ALWAYS has a special understanding...the one who knows even in the middle of the night to wake up and put her head in my sleepless lap or sit snuggled against my shoulder on the porch watching the first light of day kiss the sky...and gently lick my silent tears.

Pamela said...

I feel a little ill when I read someone's advice to go out and get some exercise when you're feeling depressed. Although I know it's good advice, when you can barely lift yourself out of bed, it just feels like too much.

Luckily, dogs don't allow us to just sit. They need us to give them exercise and problems to solve.

I'm glad you can see the blessings all around you even when winter is closing in. I hope you have more bright days until the sun comes back to our part of the world.

Saved by Dogs said...

Glad that Brut helped you find yourself again :-)

I was thinking a lot about dogs and winter today too. Originally I was thinking about how two of the three I live with like to get out in the snow and do things with me. It is the third, who hates cold though, who probably keeps my spirits highest. She is a total clown, a snuggle bug, and needs to be constantly leaning against me. So in some ways while her breed is a terrible choice for a winter climate, she's also pretty perfect - as are all our dogs in their own ways.

Thanks for sharing!

Sage said...

When winter is at is fullest, I also find a walk is the best way to clear my mind and bring my thoughts to a better place. I love it that you hook Brut to a small log. Sage would need a boulder!!

Pup Fan said...

Beautiful post... I'm glad that Brut was able to give you what you needed. :)