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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Free Glasses For All Readers from Firmoo!!

I had just woke up, grabbed my glasses and SNAP!  The hinge broke off.  It was irreparable and my favorite frames were irreplaceable.  They didn't make them any more.  I'd been needing a new pair of glasses for a good year or so and now I had no choice.  I had a pair of old frames I could wear, but money was tight and it wasn't quite in our budget.

Then one day in my inbox I find an email from Firmoo ( http://www.firmoo.com/)for a free pair of non-prescription, prescription or sunglasses for free.  FREE!!  All I had to do was give a review of my experience and spread the word that EVERYONE gets a their first pair of glasses FREE (you only pay shipping and handling) when you order from Firmoo.  This couldn't have come at a better time, as my old glasses I was wearing were starting to wear on my eyes.  An answered prayer that is available to ANYONE that wants it.  Just go here:  (http://www.firmoo.com/free-glasses.html)

OK, so I'll never make it in commercials!  BOL!

I don't remember exactly how long the delivery took, but it was less than a week.  I also received, a hard cover case, a soft case bag, two eyeglass screws with screwdriver and a lens cleaning rag.  I can't remember ever being this satisfied with a pair of glasses that I have owned.  I was a bit skeptical and unsure about buying glasses online, but once I figured out my frame measurements and was able to actually see the glasses on my face made, it made all the difference.

I encourage anyone who needs glasses of any sort, for any reason to give Firmoo glasses a shot.  For Free, what have you got to lose?

Click to find your FREE GLASSES HERE! (just pay shipping and handling)

Have Questions?  Go HERE for Firmoo FAQ.

Want to know how to order FREE glasses? Go to YouTube to show you how.

I was very impressed with our entire process from selecting frames to watching the precise tracking as my glasses were practically delivered to my door.  As well as answers to my emails from questions about my glasses to this writing this review.  Everything was precise and simple and I couldn't be happier dealing with such a fine product and company.  Thank you Antonio!!  

24 Paws of Love gave Firmoo 24 Paws up!


Unknown said...

Gosh glasses are so expensive here if you need special lenses. Even if you get cheap frames the rest of the process is eye watering. Have a terrific Thursday.
Best wishes Molly

GizmoGeodog said...

This is a great offer, but I wear progressive bifocals and the free pair is only single vision correction...The order process does look simple and the range of frame choices is very good

White Dog Blog said...

What a great deal and it sounds like the service is professional and quick. The new frames look terrific! I am going to check out their site, thanks for sharing.

bichonpawz said...

We sure will check it out! We had heard about this company but didn't know anyone who had ordered from them. Glad you got your new specs!! Best part is...you got them free! xo