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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Thursday, January 24, 2013


We've been hit with bitter Arctic air and frigid temperatures and snow for three days and nights.  While I don't mind the snow and cold, this is pushing it for our little dog family.  While I can bundle up for protection the dog's paws have been freezing up being out only a few minutes.  Chance seems to be the most sensitive of the bunch, he wants to go out but ends up on three paws to come in.  I've been keeping a close watch and don't let both sides out at the same time, that way I can keep an eye when they start to get cold.  We've been hovering around 0 (-17.7C) degrees or so with about a foot (30.48cm) of snow.  Which may not seem cold to some, but it is considered quite frigid for us.

We haven't been able to walk the dogs for almost a week due to the cold and while everyone is handling it just fine, I'm pretty sure they are heading for a slight case of cabin fever.  So we go out in short spurts and wait for a "warm up" that is coming this weekend.

I've had a hard time appreciating the beauty and I was going to go on a rant about the cold, until the wild birds came by my empty feeders looking for a chance of food that hasn't been there in months.  So I ran in the garage and dug through my husband's mess to find the birdseed I'd bought months ago but never put out.  The birds haven't come back by yet, but I hope the food will be found.  Then I began to rattle off a gratitude list:  6 healthy dogs, 2 feisty cats, one hardy duck.  A roof over our head, wood to warm our little home, and a husband who's in love with me as much I'm in love with him.  Really, can't ask for better than that.

So we'll play some indoor games and snuggle tight until we get through to the next season of our lives.



Unknown said...

Wow that must be really cold over there? Stay warm till the cold moves on. Here it is cold but it won't last and we are now due for warm weather over the weekend. Paws crossed no more rain. Have a terrific Thursday.
Best wishes Molly

Anonymous said...

Brrr! Indeed. If 0 doesn't seem cold to somebody, they clearly live in a place that isn't fit for human habitation.

Of course I have the same conversation with people about summer, when I don't think anything less than 90 is hot.

Anonymous said...

Brrr! Indeed. If 0 doesn't seem cold to somebody, they clearly live in a place that isn't fit for human habitation.

Of course I have the same conversation with people about summer, when I don't think anything less than 90 is hot.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! looks pretty ... but yes it is brrrr. Stay Warm. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Pamela said...

I hate trimming the fur between Honey's toes. But when it's cold and snowy, they do provide her some protection.

I look forward to your post about the warm-up. That let's me know to expect higher temps in a few days. :)

BTW, I awarded you the REALITY blog award: http://www.somethingwagging.com/2013/01/24/what-does-a-blog-award-look-like-in-a-guy-fawkes-mask/.

Hope you'll come by to pick it up.

How Sam Sees It said...

Stay warm!


houndstooth said...

It's cold here, too, but not quite like that! Stay warm!

KB said...

The photos sure are gorgeous but they do look cold!

bichonpawz said...

We are at minus 3 right now and having the same problem with the girlz' feet!! I have to run out and scoop them up because their feet freeze very quickly!! I've tried the little boots...but they hate 'em and will not keep them on their feet!! Hoping it warms up a bit for all of us!

Boss Mare Eventing said...

brrrrr we have been hit with the frigids too. Stay warm!

Julia Williams said...

It would be awfully hard for the doggies to play outside for very long in those conditions! My cats spend the winter lying on the back of the sofa, staring wistfully out at the mountain of snow in the yard ... dreaming of spring I am sure!

Saved by Dogs said...

I knew our area wasn't fit for human habitation! :-)

Two of the three pups here are enjoying the cold and snow - the third would like to move south and agrees that anything under 90 isn't all that warm.

10 was feeling pretty warm today after the -20 earlier this week :/