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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Don't you wish you could capture it all?

There were two moments in the last few days that I wish I could have capture on film to save and treasure until the end of time.  Both involved Brut and Zappa when Brut was in a playful mood.  I mean a really good, happy playful mood.

The first moment was when Brut was running around outside chasing Silver and he ran up to Zappa with this dramatic playbow that he held while Zappa barked continuously at him that said something like, "you've got to be kidding me!  I'm not falling for that trap!"  To which Brut eventually turned and gave me this look of, "i don't understand, why won't he play with me?"

For those of you new to our blog, Brut is Zappa's father and these two have also had a long time father-son challenge going on.  When Zappa was younger they used to play, then as Zappa got older Brut started fighting with him, nothing serious, but still I have broke them apart more than once.  So when these two have these loving moments I wish I could watch and savor them over and over again, as they always happen by surprise.

The other surprise that happen with Brut and Zappa, I don't think I've seen since Zappa was young, like 4 or 5 months old.  But Brut and Zappa ran out of the house together, which is pretty normal, except instead of going in different directions or one behind the other, they were running next to each other!  They did a small half loop to the middle of the yard and back running side by side.  HOLY CRAP!!  If I had blink I would have missed it and if I hadn't seen it I wouldn't have believe it.

We have a few inches of snow that fell over the weekend and has put a sparkle in everyone step, (except for Daddy) and the dogs are having a blast running and chasing each other.  Not sure if that's been the icing on the cake for these two special occurrences, but it has helped.   :)

Thank goodness for our wonderful brains that can hold these treasured moments forever.  While I may never be able to show you my little video memory bank, I will always be able to show and tell about the joy of what happened and spread a little of the magic of the 24 Paws of Love.


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! My mom agrees with you ... she wish that she can capture every precious beautiful moment. Your memory bank must be full of these moments. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Unknown said...

Precious moments are the best. Yep lucky we can store them in our heads. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

bichonpawz said...

Too bad we can't carry little video cameras around our necks!! Good to hear that everyone is getting along!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

houndstooth said...

Sometimes, I think having the memory in your brain is better than video! It lives perfectly there, and you don't go back and notice things that detract from it later!

Boss Mare Eventing said...

I always try and remember those moments...they are very precious!

White Dog Blog said...

I know what you mean but on film these moments would not look like the special milestones that they are. Best they are etched in your memory and live in your heart. It is a time of year when magic is everywhere.

Sage said...

Oh, yes. I often say 'why didn't I have my camera?'. I do know my memory is full of wonderful moments, as I know yours is.