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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

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Brut Quote

Monday, October 1, 2012

Zappa, my Champ

Champ Zappa and I after a good run

The air was cool, the sun lowering and it was a perfect evening for a bike pulling ride with Zappa.  Special thanks to http://www.dogbarkcollar.com for making this post possible.

Now Zappa loves the bike, he may never be too crazy with the pulling a sled in the snow, but the bike is just his style.  In this short window of fall that we have in the north, every moment counts.  I took him out about three days ago and it was just right that we should take another ride together.

He is always excited when he sees the harness, but it isn't until I ask him if he wants to pull that he sits down and lets me put it on.  Getting him attached to the bike is usually quite the chore, I can't keep him in one place and I'm usually constantly untangling him, but tonight we got all hooked up with little trouble.  I asked Zappa if he was ready and he starts down the driveway slowly while I hop on the bike.  I almost forget to pedal to help him get a good running start and we are off.  He picks up the place and is flying like the wind.  There seems to end to his energy.

Together up the hill we climb, he runs, I pedal, we cross over to the dirt road but I make the trip shorter than usual.  I just want him to stretch his legs and build up those muscles.  So I tell him to turn around and he does without a hitch.  I'm so excited, most of the dogs haven't been able to catch on to this very well and I have run into problems, but Zappa handle it like a champ.  He was slower after we turned around but still at a good steady pace.  My husband who was near house called Zappa and Zappa got his second wind and began to pick up speed.  He carried that steady pace right up to the driveway.  You'd have thought he had won a race I was so excited.

It was a great learning experience as always and it was great fun.  Hopefully in a few days we will be able to try again.  And look, here's a little video of our return.  Hope you enjoy!


Calling out to Cat lovers everywhere...
Check out Boxer's latest injustice of living in Muttville on the 


Unknown said...

What fun. Have a lovely Monday.
Best wishes Molly

Sankissjuice said...

Wow, Zappa must be so strong. My dog would never do that. But I love him just as much ;)

Please give Zappa a big hug and some belly rubs from me.


Flea said...

Zappa is a beauty! And so strong! Maybe if I hitched both my dogs to a bike they'd pull it. Probably not, though. :) Love the video.

My real blog is dogtreatweb dot com.

jen said...

How fun is that!
Your harness looks similar to the one we just got!

Saved by Dogs said...

Go Zappa! What great exercise - and I love the stability of that trike.

Kristine said...

Zappa is a champ for sure. I am not brave enough to try something like this with my dog but it does sound like a blast!

Bassetmomma said...

Wow! Zappa! That is just so cool! Your Momma must be so proud!

Thanks for all the kind words for our Freddie. :)

White Dog Blog said...

I am not quite sure who is having more fun! What a wonderful way to share time together and work off a little energy.

Sage said...

Cool! I've been taking Sage out on a bike for a daily run (my winter/rainy season exercise plan), although she doesn't pull the bike like Zappa does. Maybe I'll show her your video!

Unknown said...
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♥♥♥♥Team Husky♥♥♥♥ said...

What a good boy Zappa!!! I was expecting to see a normal bike but should have known better with you guys, what a cool trike you have!

Fun fun fun! I need to get my mountain bike down and serviced so I can use it over the summer. It's starting to get warmer here so the scooter runs are getting scarce:(

Team Husky