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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Lets Fish Pet Toy Review

One thing the 24 Paws are lacking in is new toys, so when Lets Fish Pet Toy asked us to do a review, we couldn't turn it down.

Lets Fish Pet Toy is a small fishing rod with a crochet stuffed squeaky toy that is sized to suit cats and small to large dogs that you 'fly fish' to play fetch with your dog.  We of course chose the large dog size and waited for our package to arrive.  We were to also receive a video and a review checklist to complete our review.  

After almost a month and no toy, I emailed the company to find out if we were still on, I didn't receive a response.  Then about two weeks later the toy finally came.

After a quick assembly of the mini fishing rod, running the cord for the line and attaching the toy, not two minutes into play the rod broke in half.  I was quite discouraged and a bit angry that the fishing pole was made out of thin plastic and could snap so easy.  Especially after ordering the large dog size and not being able to stand up to a 70+pound dog or two and was better suited for a cat or small dog.

I was so excited to get it out of the box and put together I didn't even get a picture before it broke.

  As discouraged as I was, I still loved the idea that Lets Fish Pet Toy had come up with, so I took one of our regular sized fishing poles and reattached the line and toy and you can see we had better results.

Obviously the dogs never fetched the toy and were interested in the chase and catch of the squeaky prey and having a tug of war with it.

I don't believe the toy is intended for being a tug toy and our dogs are not designed to be retrievers, which made it a tough mix.  So while the toy wasn't the best suited toy for our dogs, I still like the idea behind the toy that with a stronger pole and line I think the dogs would have a blast with it.

We couldn't give a recommendation if this toy would work for the a large retrieving dog or a dog who like to fetch, but do believe that with a little fly fish fetching you and your dog could enjoy a good game of fetch without leaving your chair.

This was a tough one for us, but I'd say between the lack of customer service, poor toy quality (for a large dog) and being a retrieving game without fetching dogs, we gave Lets Fish Pet Toy:  10 Paws out of 24.  Mostly for the idea that I still think is great and has inspired me to make something similar and more suited for the 24 Paws of Love.

**Disclaimer**I was not compensated in way for this review.  I was given one Lets Fish Pet Toy for my honest review.  All opinions are 100% mine.    


Gail said...

You can take this good idea and improve on it.

Collie222 said...

Seems like it would be better suited for cats...

houndstooth said...

It sounds like a cat toy that someone thought they could make a little extra money on by marketing for dogs, too. I'm sorry you had a bad experience with it, though! I don't think it would last thirty seconds here!

Pamela said...

I thought this was a cool idea but I also assumed it wouldn't hold up to real dog play. Your fishing pole idea was good. I think someone needs to go back to the drawing board and invent something that is really made for dogs--perhaps a springy line (like a rubber slinky) that's sturdy and moves a lot. Mount it on a very sturdy stick. Hmmm.