© 2025 24 Paws of Love

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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, September 28, 2012

Flashback Friday

I've been doing some reminiscing and for our newer readers who may not know, these two post are the short version of what happened to Chance and Blaze when they left the litter and then were returned to us. Just click on names.

Amazing how far they have come since then...  

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Working dogs

Thanks to Houndstooth, Pamela, and White Dog Army for their suggestions on the drawer opening exercising.  We will have to try them out.  I'm not sure when we'll have video Pamela, looks like we need to do some backup and regrouping.  :)

This weekend we also are did some home remodeling.  We really need to redo the bathroom, like add walls, ceilings, floor and a sink!  We were finally able to insulate and close off the main outside wall.  Man, what a difference some fiberglass and drywall will do to keep out the chill!

As always Brut and Fiona have to get in on the action.

 You say you need this a little shorter Dad?

 What do you mean, where's your tape measure?

It's right here, DAD!

(you owe me Fiona!!)

Working dogs, hard at work!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Weekend News

(Warning: this first story may be a little gruesome.  Especially if you just ate)
Saturday night Brut came up to the door with a rabbit in his mouth.  I will spare you the gory details, but lets just say he was in the process of having a midnight snack.  I think he wanted to bring it in so he could hide the rest in his crate for later.  The next morning I awoke to find a mound of furry bunny parts.  As you can imagine it started my morning off great.  Gagging and choking.  It was the first time he's ever ate one and I'm sure he learned his lesson and won't ever do it again.  Yeah, right!  Gotta love dogs!

In lighter news, Brut had his first positive experience with a loose dog while we were out walking.  While we were a couple houses away from the dog, I stopped and made him sit.  And he actually did it.  Then we talked for a little bit while he kept sitting until the dog was called in.  And that was when he lost it and tried to run after the little dog.  Thank goodness for leashes.  Every single time Brut runs into a loose dog, they always run up into his face.  So this was pretty cool. 


Service dogs must go through some hard training.  I figured that since Chance is always under foot or next to the stove trying to help keep my floors clean that maybe he could assist me in another way.  So I attached a string with a knot at the end to my silverware drawer.  It's a lot tougher than I thought it would be to try and train them.  (Blaze wanted to learn as well)  They wouldn't pull the string.  So I clicked and reward for grabbing it.  Then I tied cheese in the knot thinking they would try to run away with the cheese and instead they ended up licking it.  Eh, try again.  So then I used this poor bear on what is the worse day of his life to prompt the dogs to grab and pull him.  Chance was totally clueless, but Blaze wanted to save the bear and would pull the drawer open a little bit.  Still going to take some work though.  Anyone have any ideas?

That's our weekend wrap up.  How was yours?  



Saturday, September 22, 2012

Lacey's Barkery Taste Test

Let me awaken you on a journey where you can eat your dog's food at Lacey's Barkery.  OK, no I didn't try it, but I could have.  It was that good. Homemade cookies that looked like that came right off the baking sheet.  They smelled good, they looked good and the dogs went crazy over them.  All 100% human grade food.  All natural and delicious.  I have proof.  Believe me, the dogs may go crazy for almost any kind of food, but I've never seen them act this nuts over any treat like this before.  I'd been giving them some today for their howling sessions and when Daddy and I went to shoot the video, they remembered, Lacey's Barkery.

See for yourself.  
(or watch on YouTube.)

(My husband the advertising writer!!  BOL)

Lacey's Barkery -No doubt 24 Paws UP!! 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Brut Being

Brut is my heart dog, there have been many days in the past when I didn’t understand it, this is one of those unique times when I was quietly blown away.  We would like to give special thanks to (http://www.dogfencediy.com/) who have made this post possible.

I was sitting in my chair, up early for some reason and watching the heavy clouds pass by through the hazy dawn light,  when Brut walked into the room and without a glance came and laid at my feet.  A rare moment of him sitting ‘below’ me.  Humbled before me.  Not to mention his fear of my lazy boy chair because it rocks and the kick out leg rest freaks him out.  He was making a statement at that moment without any contact that he wanted to just be close to me. For the first few seconds I understood how he felt and then as time went on he moment astounded me as Brut had made a rather direct decision to be next me despite the evil chair that I was rendered speechless.  This powerful dog chose me over the couch and his favorite spot in the hallway.  He didn’t asked to be petted or want any other form of attention.  He wanted nothing but to be next to me.  Making the situation all the more powerful.  We sat still together and found ourselves communicating without words nor body language.  We were just BEING.  And I thought about how powerful that was and how humbled I was by it.  I may think that that the heavens stirred the first time I saw him when I chose him, but I still will never get over the fact that this majestic beast CHOSE me as well.

His directness and compassion couldn’t have come with more perfect timing.  And when dealing with a dog of such enormous will and strength there is no other word that fits than “humble” while he lay at my feet.  Like fall on the floor humble.  That’s when I began thinking how CHOSEN Brut is just for me.  There is an awesome respect that passes between us and this moment is unreal and yet it is alive and right here.  Any touch or words would break the concentration of being together, today, alone, just him and I at this moment.  It took my breath away as we absorb into each other and never move a muscle.  The AWESOME silence of just being.

There is something magical and mystical between us that I‘ll never be able to describe.  I have felt the terror in him and witnessed it first hand.  I have felt the force that radiates through Brut that resonates so deep inside of me and I have felt the depth of his love and affection that carries a intensity all it‘s own. but it is that stealth of nature when we are both still together that creates the most energy between us.  And energy that stirs and flares without an flinch.  We seem to find a way to immerse into each other and become one being.  Never have I experienced anything like it.  And I don’t know if I ever will again.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Moving out of comfort zone and asking for support, Please!

Today we are going to feature a couple of links and selfishly they are both my own.

First I'm part of Lacey's Barkery Blog and wrote an article about the healing benefits of brushing.  I could use some support if you have a extra minute.  It's my first post away from home and I'm a little nervous.  :)

Oh and while you are there check all her home baked goodies!

And the second one is you may have noticed the CATS on the right side bar, we'll in order to get them off my butt, I had to go and create a blog for them too.  It's very rough with just a couple of post, but I'd like to know what you think of this different perspective.  :)

p.s. please forgive my lack of comments recently.  My days and nights have all been screwed up.  I'm still reading, just want you all to know.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Weekend Revelation-Mountains and Patience

View from a mountain I climbed many years ago.

While Monday Memories is on vacation I found myself in a revelation of emotional and mental gift I was not expecting.  I am the type of person who likes to try and scale a mountain in a day and actually expect to be able to do it without any glitches or trouble. I tend to push myself with expectations that are insurmountable.  And well, most of the time I barely get off the base or I'm so far in the valley I that a couple of steps bring so much frustration and humiliation that I find myself helpless and hopeless.

Now I rarely put this kind of stress on the dogs, I am much more sensitive to their needs and limitations.  I have found myself more than once pulling back tremendously on a training or behavior technique because it is too much for them or for myself.  But when I'm doing my own thing, I can't seem to find that line that crosses between trying hard or thrusting myself over it.  And if there is one thing I can't stand it is having limits.  Physical, mental or emotional.  I hate having to pull back for myself because it makes me feel weak and worthless as a human.  But couple me with a dog or two and they help me gauge those limitations that are in place for my safety and well being.

And I was at it again this last week.  Trying to do the impossible.  Wanting to be superwoman even though I kept tumbling down the hill.   When I softly cried into Chance's fur, I heard the word, "patience."  And he  reminded me of all the years of patience I took with him.  He used to run and scream from a brush in my hand and now loves to be brushed.  Or how my patience with Blaze took her from a psycho path lunatic when left alone, to a calm secure girl who's so excited to play "let's be calm" game.  Or how it has taken Brut years to become so stable and happy that he glows after being such an angry, miserable dog.  How it has taken time for Zappa and I to get to know each other and gain some respect between us when he's been my husband's dog all along.  And the trust that has been building with Fiona and I after the hurt and betrayal she felt since Blaze came back. All of these took time, patience and steady love.  To know when to push and when to hold back.  Building trust with all the dogs and gaining their respect didn't happen over night.  Why would I think I am any different?

And as I lightly stroked Chance's his head, he said he'll wait.  I gave that patience and trust, now he wanted to return the favor.  They all did.  I'd taken care of them, now it was their turn to take care of me.  They were willing to give me all the patience and love I needed to help me do climb that mountain and we could do it together.

Friday, September 14, 2012

What's your wild attraction?

So we all love our dogs, cats, horses and other domesticated animals, but what are your favorite wild animals?  Which ones are you really drawn to and why?

I'm drawn to the predators for their ravage beauty and power.

(photo courtesy of wikipedia)
I love all the large wild cats, but the Tiger, especially the Siberian Tiger (link courtesy of wikipedia) beats all of them hands down.  I've been drawn to this exquisite predator of the jungles for as long as I can remember.  Their stealth manner, beauty and swiftness always catches my breath.  While I would love to witness them in their natural habitat, I have only have the pleasure of seeing these majestic cats at the zoo.

(photo courtesy of wikipedia)

Of the air, I'm enraptured with the Red Tail Hawk. (link courtesy of wikipedia) I have seen Bald Eagles and other hawks, but there is something about this Hawk that has my attention.  We used to live on an open hay field where there was easy prey for these mighty hunters and it wasn't out of character to see them soaring around.  Another one of stealth and beauty that is always a good sign when I see them.

(photo courtesy of wikipedia)

In the sea, it is the sharks that I respect and find their prehistoric nature so enthralling.  I like them all so I don't know that I have a favorite, but I think the Hammerhead Shark (link courtesy of wikipedia)  is one that is quite unique.  I have always wanted to go into one of the underwater cages and observe them close up.  I wouldn't want to taunt them and risk my life like you see on some those shark shows, I would just like to know what it is like to be among the largest living predators in the world.

So what about you?  What wild animals do find yourself attracted to?       


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Lets Fish Pet Toy Review

One thing the 24 Paws are lacking in is new toys, so when Lets Fish Pet Toy asked us to do a review, we couldn't turn it down.

Lets Fish Pet Toy is a small fishing rod with a crochet stuffed squeaky toy that is sized to suit cats and small to large dogs that you 'fly fish' to play fetch with your dog.  We of course chose the large dog size and waited for our package to arrive.  We were to also receive a video and a review checklist to complete our review.  

After almost a month and no toy, I emailed the company to find out if we were still on, I didn't receive a response.  Then about two weeks later the toy finally came.

After a quick assembly of the mini fishing rod, running the cord for the line and attaching the toy, not two minutes into play the rod broke in half.  I was quite discouraged and a bit angry that the fishing pole was made out of thin plastic and could snap so easy.  Especially after ordering the large dog size and not being able to stand up to a 70+pound dog or two and was better suited for a cat or small dog.

I was so excited to get it out of the box and put together I didn't even get a picture before it broke.

  As discouraged as I was, I still loved the idea that Lets Fish Pet Toy had come up with, so I took one of our regular sized fishing poles and reattached the line and toy and you can see we had better results.

Obviously the dogs never fetched the toy and were interested in the chase and catch of the squeaky prey and having a tug of war with it.

I don't believe the toy is intended for being a tug toy and our dogs are not designed to be retrievers, which made it a tough mix.  So while the toy wasn't the best suited toy for our dogs, I still like the idea behind the toy that with a stronger pole and line I think the dogs would have a blast with it.

We couldn't give a recommendation if this toy would work for the a large retrieving dog or a dog who like to fetch, but do believe that with a little fly fish fetching you and your dog could enjoy a good game of fetch without leaving your chair.

This was a tough one for us, but I'd say between the lack of customer service, poor toy quality (for a large dog) and being a retrieving game without fetching dogs, we gave Lets Fish Pet Toy:  10 Paws out of 24.  Mostly for the idea that I still think is great and has inspired me to make something similar and more suited for the 24 Paws of Love.

**Disclaimer**I was not compensated in way for this review.  I was given one Lets Fish Pet Toy for my honest review.  All opinions are 100% mine.    

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Never Enough

Never enough time
        for all the walks to take
                      To hug you all day
                                    To play and frolic and learn
There's never enough time
           to tell you how much we love you...


to really show you how much we care
   or to tell you how much you matter to us

There's never enough time
    to cuddle
         to kiss
             or to show you all the love
                              you have given us
                                       Every moment
                                                  so precious
                                                         so fleeting
                                                                                                                                                                                   and yet forever....

Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday Memory Vacation

Monday Memories-our little trip down memory lane will be taking a mini-vacation.

Until then, nap well, and Monday Memories will be back soon.

Friday, September 7, 2012

I had a vision the other day...

while driving with my husband that took over my thoughts and I could see as clear as day.

Pedaling as fast I could, the breeze whipping in my hair.  The smell of the of leaves and dirt as the sun danced through the trees.  I raced with the freedom through our own private woods with the six dogs ahead of me. Delighting in the sight of our dogs racing and romping down the path with each other at what seemed like breakneck speed.  My bike tire hit a rock or small stump and I tumbled to ground.  Brut was immediately at the right side of my face while Chance came to my left.  Brut lifted his lip in a snarl to Chance who returned with respective growl. And as I hugged my two heart dogs I just laughed and laughed.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

They're Just "Dogs"

I've been through many things in my life that nearly killed me in me in some way or another.  The horrific life I've lived has left lasting emotional scars that have left their mark like a branding.  The only constant through this hell has been animals, particularly dogs and the close contact I have been so blessed with through my life.  Being able to look into those eyes, no matter what was happening, gave me the peace of mind and comfort to carry on another day, another hour, another minute, because all I ever saw was love.  That piercing unconditional love that reached deep inside of me to let me know there was more than all of this.  One dog started my journey that lead to every animal I ever encountered and those that I was so privileged to have in my life that has aided in this lifelong healing with every painful step I have taken.  I can not begin to share my gratitude.

I have scraped the bottom of the barrel so many times in my life that I didn't know which way was up anymore.  I have felt more worthless than one person should ever have to feel in a day, let alone a lifetime and I have never felt a reason to really be alive.  This was more than being in a tough spot, it has been a way of life that I have been trapped in with no possible way out.  Scary doesn't begin to describe it.  So many times I didn't know if I was going to make it through, or if I even wanted to.  Ideas I still struggle with on varying levels as far as my self worth and value because of my past and today was one of those days.

No matter how far I try to runaway in my mind, no matter what horrors from the past reappear to try and haunt me I have nine tangible beings that help keep me grounded and here.  No matter how I feel, or what I think about who I am, it is the eyes and fur of these living being in this home that never let me get too far from the truth.  Over and over they remind me every day of my value and worth to them and the many before them who shared in that same truth.  They never let me forget how much I mean to them and how precious our love for each other is.  They have taught me how to reach out to them all the while reaching out to me when I need it most.  I can not begin to describe the countless times of this out pour of this unconditional love as they constantly rally to prove I deserve it.  For if it wasn't for the many animals I met in my life, I would never know what true love was/is.  Animals saved my life, over and over and over again.  So many times I can't begin to count.  I have never stopped depending on them and the biggest gift I got in return was learning that they depended on me as well.  A concept I am still trying to understand to this day.  I may never know 'why' but they have been teaching me each day to embrace it and who could ask for more than that?

Monday, September 3, 2012

Monday Memories-Sleepy Puppies at 9 months old

Monday Memories-our little trip down Memory Lane

Ahem...Can I get your attention please?
(Blaze-2 months after she came back home)

The 24 Paws of Love

are so doggone sleepy

that we are going to take a little blogging nap today.

So we can spend some extra time with Daddy

And Mommy.  
(Visiting Chance about 2 months before he came home)

Any one care to join us?