There once was a family of dogs
Who wanted to have a blog
So they barked
and they begged
until their humans
wrote the 24 Paws of Love
I was telling my wife that we needed to start a dog blog and she just shook her head... |
Yeah, but he's MY purple monkey! Back OFF! |
Yes, that is how it all started. Thank goodness for a persistant husband!! And because things around the homestead have been in such an upheaval we missed our 2 Year Blogiversary on
June 30! And that's just crazy talk around this house. :) How could we miss out on thanking our readers for sharing in all of our tears, joys and frustrations? How could we not thank you for having our own little place in the doggie blog world where we are not the misfits for loving our dogs? Not to mention just being able to write all about our dogs and someone actually reads it...isn't that just crazy?!?
Try that again will ya MOM!! |
To be able to thank all of you for the encouragement and support that you just can't get from a "normal" person and always being able to share your uplifting words in such time of need. Can't forget those comments that start out as giggles then have us falling off our chairs while the tears roll down with laughter, just because you "get it." Or standing together in our fears and anger when their is a dog injustice.
Big Bro you are no match for me!! |
Our two packs have grown and thrived because you have all been a part of our lives. It has taken each of your unique perspectives, experience and angles on life to continue to open our eyes from such an isolated viewpoint. You are our dog friends and it is an honor to call you so. Never have we meant so many crazy dog loving people who believe it's all for the dog. So we take this moment, this special place in time when we first enter the blog world to tell you how much we appreciate our readers and being part of our lives.
Thank you from the bottom of our tummies! |
pee.s. Monday Memories will be back next Monday.
Nice one and have a happy Monday!
Best wishes Molly
Congrats on your blogaversary and we wish you many more to come. We enjoy your posts.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Congratulations on your two year blogoversary! Wishing you many more!
Your pal, Pip
Congratulations on reaching your 2nd Bloggiversary.
We may not visit your blog as often but we certainly do. Writing about your two packs is that thing that connects us faceless friends together.
Huggies and Cheese,
Happy Blogoversary gang!
Congratulations on your 2 year Blogaversary! I have always enjoyed your insight and your pack!
Congratulations on hitting this big landmark! It's been fun sharing the packs with you.
A while back I thought about writing a blog post where I awarded "senior superlatives" (y'know, most popular, prettiest, most likely to succeed, funniest) to some of my favorite bloggers.
I never did it. But you immediately came to mind as someone who had shown the most growth. I've loved reading about your dogs and all the changes they've gone through. It's amazing what you've done in two years.
You're very lucky to have a written (and pictorial) record of how far everyone has come. :)
Happy Howls celebrating this special milestone! You add a wonderful, unique perspective and voice to our Blog enriches us and makes us all the better for sharing your journey. We wish you and your pack (not packs because we can see that there truly IS only One) many many many more posts and adventures and experiences that you bring us along to participate in and witness. We are blessed to have you in our community.
Congratulations on your 2 year Blogiversary!!
Congratulations on your 2 years Blogaversary., keep posting...wish you more blogaversary to come...
Dog Fence
I just came across your blog, and I'm looking forward to getting to know your dogs! :)
Congratulations on two years! Think of all the encouragement, joy and advice you have offered up in that time!
WOW! Happy Blogaversary to you!!
Looking forward to reading more of your awesome posts!!
Maxx and mommy
Wahoo! It's #2! Congrats! Celebrate with gusto my furiends! :D
Waggin at ya,
Congrats on a momentous event! I think I forgot my 1st anniversary and my second is coming up fast (July 27). I had to look after reading about yours. :)
Aw, big congrats to you all :D xxx
Happy blogoversary!
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