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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

PuppyWars App

My husband and aren't very tech savvy and we are kind of old school when it comes to computers and gadgets and all those  new high tech stuff. A simple desk top computer does us just fine.

The reason I'm telling you of our technical 'handicap' is that I was given a free download to an app for dogs, called: Puppy Wars.  At first I blew it off because it is for use with an iPhone or iPad, neither of which we have or plan on getting.  But then I began to look through the software HERE and there is game where you win votes for who's the cutest puppy, but what really caught my eye is they have program for adopting rescued pups.  And I figured letting others know about this vital app may help save many lives.

Free Download link:   http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/puppywars/id514381653?mt=8

Here's the features the PuppyWars app carries as given to me from the company.   

How PuppyWars Works:
Do you have the cutest puppy in the world and want to prove it to everyone? Now you can! With PuppyWars, you can upload all the best photos & videos of your dog and then compete 1-on-1 against other pups while our community of over 15,000 users votes on who is the cutest. With each winning battle, you’ll earn your dog “bones” and rise to the top of the standings.

Help “Adopt A Rescue Puppy”:
The best part about the PuppyWars app is that we are helping rescue dogs find homes through adoption. By enabling your phone’s location services, our “Adopt A Puppy” feature can find local shelters and show you photos of all available dogs in need. With a quick tap you can call or email the shelter right from the app.  In less than a month, we've had over 15,000 adoption searches and over 250 shelters contacted by interested families.  

About PuppyWars:
Created by Cleaversoft, LLC., PuppyWars was launched in early May 2012. PuppyWars is a game for dog lovers to settle the age-old question: Who has the cuter dog? Take some pictures of your pooch and challenge another user's dog by opening it up to a world-wide vote. After 3 days the pup with the most votes wins. Don't have a puppy you say? DOESN'T MATTER, we need your votes to help determine who has the cutest dogs in the world.

PuppyWars is free to play, but you can buy more bones from within the app. We're donating 5% of all Bones purchases directly to the ASPCA.
- Take pictures of your dogs or use photos from your camera roll
- Make a slideshow of your cutest shots
- Take your dogs out to the battle by opening it up to a world wide vote
- Turn your phone horizontal for instant full screen voting!
- Earn PawChievements!
- Unbelievably beautiful UI painted by Mattahan (Paul Davey)

I don't normally promote something I have tried first, but I thought about all the techy people of the world who would be interested in a app that may help a dog find a home.  So I thought I would just put the info out there if any one is interested.  Hey it's a free download, what do you have to loose?


bichonpawz said...

Thank you so much for this great review! We will go and check it out right now!
xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Unknown said...

Clever idea. Have a great Thursday.
Best wishes Molly

haopee said...

I checked it out. It looks amazing! Unfortunately, I am an Android user but I will try to share it and tweet about it.

The best part is the Adopt a Puppy Section.

Huggies and Cheese,


The Daily Pip said...

I don't have an i-phone either, but this sounds like lots of fun and a great cause.

Your pal, Pip

Pamela said...

Great that they're linking to shelters. I had to stop checking out the Daily Puppy website after I kept seeing google ads for internet puppy sales. Yuck.

I don't have an iPhone (or any cell phone) either. But I'm curious if one of your fans reports back.

houndstooth said...

It sounds like an interesting app! I'll have to look at it on the phone.