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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My New Summer Job

Well I've been becoming quite the snake wrangler.  I've captured four snakes in the last month.  An Eastern Hog-nosed who's hooded neck (like a Cobra) looks worse than it's bite (non-venomous) and hissing that sounds like a rattlesnake.  The Back Dogs keep finding these completely harmless and awesome creatures (did I mention, I love snakes, especially Cobras ) and I catch them and release them elsewhere.  They are pretty slow moving so it doesn't take nothing but my grilling tongs and a bucket with holes in the lid. 

I think they may have had a nest somewhere in our yard.  For every one I get rid of, there seems to be another to take it's place.  Either that or we have some very tasty toads in our yard, which is their staple food.

The dogs are well spooked by the snakes, just enough to bark at them and jump if they try to strike.  They don't try to press their luck with these strange creatures.  And if it wasn't for the dogs, I wouldn't even know the snakes were in the yard.  Brut has an uncanny way of finding them.

They are pretty interesting snakes, if not only for their hooded head and neck, but when they are threatened they will flip and squirm on their backs, act as they are vomiting something, let out a musky scent and play dead.  They first one we ever caught my husband believed it was dead and when we went back to find it, it was long gone.  

We've had two other encounters with this Eastern Hog-Nose snake over the past couple of years and from the way this summer is going I don't think it will be the last. 

This snake is the latest one, I think "she" is just gorgeous compared to the other ones.
(Well, "she" must be a girl, look at how pretty and colorful "she" is!)


Declan said...

Wow! We don't really get snakes over here. Only the Adder and grass snake (I think) You'd call them worms next to those guys! Deccy x

Unknown said...

Oh my jeepers creepers you are brave. My human goes nutty at the sight of a spider never mind snakes. Have a lovely Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Talking-Dogs said...

Lucy used to love it when a snake dared to come into her yard. I'd look out and she'd be spinning it around just like a cowboy with a lasso. Scared me half to death every time.

jen said...

You are one brave lady! If I saw that in my yard I would go screaming! Snakes are one of my biggest fears, dangerous or not, but that last one does have pretty colors!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Thunder is the snake hunter here. Mom is getting worried because a local teenager got bit by a rattlesnake on the sidewalk near his home. They say the rattlers are moving in closer looking for food with all the heat and drought here. Hope they stay out of our yard.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Pamela said...

Great pictures!

So, how does that snake wrangling job pay?

White Dog Blog said...

What a handsome species! Thanks for safely relocating them out of pup's way. Like the OP Pack we have had more problems with rattlers moving into neighborhoods looking for food because of the drought. They, too, are beautiful but...

Keith Andrea said...

.,oh snakes., I'm afraid with snakes.,everytime I see them it feels that there's something crawling in my body..

Dog Fence
Dog Containment

bichonpawz said...

You sure are brave!!! We went to a rattlesnake convention one time...it was interesting, but I would be terrified if they were not behind glass!

Sage said...

Interesting looking snake! Fortunately we just have harmless garter snakes in our area.