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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, July 20, 2012

Ads for Dogs

I think any dog would qualify for this position.  
In our home I think Brut and Silver would win this hands down.

 Another one many dogs would be bidding for.
Blaze would be our lead contestant for this job.
She's the only one who has caught any critters and she's beaten last year's record!

You'd need your most devious thinker for this one,
Brut and Zappa would tag team to set everyone free!!

 And while we may not be able to apply for this one, I know many of you have dogs that would be perfect for it.

Which one would your dog(s) be best at?


Unknown said...

Very funny. Have a happy Friday.
Best wishes Molly

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Pest control for sure. We do a great job of keeping those rabbits under control.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

jen said...

Sherman would be good for the social worker and Leroy would be perfect for the pest control operator and the lawn fertilizing tech!

Julia Williams said...

My cats are pretty good pest control experts, MOL. They have tried to fertilize my garden too, but I fired them from that job.

Pamela said...

Very funny. I don't think any of those jobs quite fit Honey. She'd be a Cruise Director whose job it is to make sure everyone has fun.

Sage said...

I'm definitely a "pest control" candidate. Especially if it's a cat or a squirrel--I even jump 6 foot fences in the heat of the chase!


Kristine said...

Hahaha! I often joke that we should hire Shiva out as a peanut sniffing dog. She finds them in the oddest of places. I'll never understand it.

Kristine said...

Hahaha! I often joke that we should hire Shiva out as a peanut sniffing dog. She finds them in the oddest of places. I'll never understand it.