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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Silver and Those Darn Nails

I have never had to clip any of the dog's nails, except for Silver's.  They tend to grind them down during playtime and walks.  Silver's never been happy about getting her nails done, but she was tolerant, until she had her puppies.  For some reason after having her litter, she began to really put up a fight about it. The worse part is that she is on an digestive enzyme and probiotics formula for her allergies that make her nails grow thick and strong like weeds.  I have had to start all over with her trying to accumulate her to the nail clippers.  It has been a long haul.  So when Jena from Success Just Clicks guest posted on Rescue Insanity about how to make clipping nails fun, I had to find out how that was possible!

Success Just Clicks went through all the procedures for getting dogs used to having nails clipped, but it was the skateboard idea that I absolutely loved!  She taught how you could get your dog to file their nails down by scratching a skateboard by using clicker training.  So we bought a skateboard for $10 and while I was working with Silver and the nail clippers, she started trying to scratch me, so I got out the skateboard.  In seconds she was filing her own nails and was having a total blast doing it!!  Silver had me laughing so hard as she was getting so into it and the relief it brought me of having another resource for those daggers she's got growing out of her paws.  I couldn't believe how simple and easy it was and how Silver picked up on it right away.  It blew me out of the water.  It seems to be some kind of reward for Silver after we work with the clippers for a few minutes, say like every couple of days or so.  The whole thing is hilarious.  I have been horrible about teaching Silver anything new, so she gets really excited with that look of "Finally, you remembered me!"  We've been doing this for a while now and I finally remembered to video tape it.
Look at the fun she is having!!
(Having trouble watching?  See here on YouTube)

The thing I like most about it is being able to have a back up plan.  While Silver still needs to relearn the whole clipper thing, the skateboard is an excellent alternative.  

You can check out the Jena's post and video for yourself HERE if you'd like.


Declan said...

Isn't that good! I have very long nails so Mum clips them regularly to encourage the quick to shorten. Fortunately I have white nails so it isn't too bad and I'm really really good about it. Mum still gets really anxious though! Deccy x

houndstooth said...

We're dealing with SLO again -- and on a dog who's always been a pill to clip nails on! I love that alternative for Silver and wish we could do that for Blue.

Linda said...

This is a great idea. Never thought about using a skateboard before. And I like the idea of making it fun for the dog. A couple of my dogs have black nails and they hate having to sit patiently when it's time to trim their nails. I'm going to give the skateboard a try. Thanks for the tip.

White Dog Blog said...

It even looks like a giant emery board! What a very cool idea,makes me wish Quinn was a scratcher he is near to impossible to nail clip.

House of Carnivores said...

OMG, I may have to try this. I have to take the dogs in to have a professional clip their nails because they turn into whiny babies when I try to do it, and yelp and cry and generally freak me out. (They're angels at the groomers.) That said, if I could teach them to file their OWN nails, it will save me some cash!

Scrappy Angel said...

VERY cool. One of my worst fears is the dreaded bath and the nail clippers...this almost looks FUN...

Keith Andrea said...

.,aw aw yeah this sounds cool., I like the idea of making dogs fun....

Dog Fence
Dog Containment

Bassetmomma said...

OMG! That's awesome! I wish I could get Fred to do that! We have to take him to the vet. He's the only one who can trim Fred's nails without getting hurt!

Pamela said...

Clever girls--both you and Silver.

Honey has been pretty good about getting her nails done but i caught her quick the last time and made it bleed a bit. I don't look forward to the next time.