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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, June 1, 2012

Hello again!

I have no idea how to thank you all for your generous support and understanding about taking a blogging break.  I've read your comments several times and have felt so lifted when I was in such a dire straits.  As it turned out I ended up in the hospital for 5 days because of a medication adjustment.  I've been home a few days now and doing much better.  I didn't realize how badly I needed your support in order to make the decision to admit myself to get the help I was in desperate need of.  It didn't matter if you knew the circumstances or my whole life story, you were there in that moment for the assurance I needed in order to let go and take care of myself.

The worse part of the whole stay was not having the dogs and my husband by my side.  It was extremely haunting at bedtime when I am used to having at least one dog or two smooched up up against me or laying on top of my legs.  But that was nothing compare to not having that added security of protection that all the dogs provide.  The staff made daily rounds all night long to check if you are asleep or awake adding to my already fragile fears of being ALONE.  And while I needed the respite it was like being on a completely different planet with no dogs, no cats, no duck and no husband.  Not a world I ever want to enter into again.  Thank goodness the staff and doctor were so wonderful or I don't think I would have pulled through so quickly.  It's been over ten years since I've been hospitalized and not something I care to do again if I can at help it.

It is so great to be home and back where I belong with all my kids and the love of my life.  Not to mention being part of this wonderful community that you have all shown to be in so many ways.  I wish I could take the time to thank all of you personally for your kindness, but I will just let the dogs show you...

(if video doesn't play you can watch HERE)

p.s.  Not the best footage, but you'll have to forgive Daddy when he's got the camcorder in his hand, he gets a bit crazy with it!!  Need to teach him how to use a tripod!!  :)

p.s.s. I've been reading and catching up with everyone while on the mend.  Please forgive my "silent" comments as I continue to recover.


Stewey said...

I'm so glad to hear that you are home and on the mend! My paws are crossed for your continued recovery! Have a good weekend!

Pamela said...

Welcome home. We missed you too!

Don't you ever get a tripod for your husband. The shaky camera did much more to show us what it's like to live in a house with 24 Paws of Love.

Glad you felt the support you needed to take care of yourself. Even if you don't always feel like it, you need to make smart decisions about your own care so you can be there for your 4 legged and 2 legged family. Right?

Nancy K. said...

Your hubby sounds pretty happy that you're home too! When my Mom was in the hospital last year ~ and then recovering at her daughter's house for 2 months, she said the hardest part of it ALL (including all her surgeries & everything!) was missing us dogs! We missed her something awful too.

So, I know just how happy your pack was to have you back home and I hope you never have to leave them again!



Brian's Home Blog said...

I sure am glad you are doing better and I can feel the happy!

Anonymous said...

It's good to know that you're doing better and out of the hospital. I'm sure it was absolutely wonderful to come home to all those wagging tails and happy faces :) Brut is so cute in this video, he's a beautiful boy. I hope all is well!

The Daily Pip said...

I am glad you are home with your pups and husband! Hope you continue to feel better!

Your pal, Pip

Declan said...

Really glad to hear you're home and on the mend. Deccy x

jen said...

Welcome home. I am glad you are back at home surrounded by love:)
I hope you are resting well, it looks like you are in the best care possible:)))

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Now that welcome home had to do wonders to make you feel better. We will be thinking of you as you take time to improve even more. No worries about comments on our part at all.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning and Mom

Linda said...

That's the best welcome home there is. I was just thinking about how you were doing the other day, so I'm really glad to hear you're home and feeling better.

Oh, and John Denver in the background singing "Rocky Mountain High" made your video absolutely perfect!

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all,

So glad you're back and feelin' better!

Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog

Gail said...

So glad you are home again and recovering.

Bassetmomma said...

I'm so glad you are back home with your family! Continue to get better. :)

Maxmom said...

Welcome home!
So glad you are back.
Get better ...and be gentle on yourself.
sending lotsaluv

Yas said...

Welcome Home!
Rest well!!

Maxx and mommy

Sage said...

What an amazing welcome home...as if it would be anything else :).

Hospital stays aren't the greatest, but knowing you have a loving family anxiously awaiting your return was surely a joy.

Welcome back!!

Greyhounds CAN Sit said...

Welcome home/back:) Daddy did a great job looking after the kids while you were in hospital! What a wonderful idea to video your homecoming welcome. It was lovely to see. Take care of yourself as well as the pups. They need you:)

House of Carnivores said...

Welcome back! I am glad to hear that you're feeling better.

It is hard to be away from the whole family, I know. I find it difficult to do overnight stays because I miss them so much.

I think that it makes you appreciate them that much more, though!

Talking-Dogs said...

So glad you're back home and on the mend. Hospitals that don't allow dog visitors are no place for dog lovers!