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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hope, Faith and Love

I was out with both packs tonight after a bit of a harrowing day.  My husband and I had spent part of the day not knowing if we would have water as our pressure tank was acting up, but thanks to my wonderful husband he was able to find and solve the problem quicker than expected.  Yeah!

I was out with the Back Dogs first, but it wasn't until I shifted to the Front Dogs that it hit me another similar difference of what each pack of dogs shows and is always teaching me.

The Back Dogs are Faith.  Rock solid Faith.  That calm in the storm.  They are constantly showing and teaching me how to just 'be.'  To have that overwhelming sense of peace and quiet the stirrings of doubt.

The Front Dogs are Hope.  They teach me how to play, be lighthearted and dance in the wind.    It is no coincidence that we have a dog named Chance in the Front Pack.   That despite all of trials and tribulations there is always Hope.

And all of the dogs are Love.  Unconditional, unmatched Love that is never shaken or broken and they never tire showing the true meaning of what it really means.


Kari in Alaska said...

ALL dogs are love :)

Stop on by for a visit

Bassetmomma said...

That is so beautiful!!

Nancy K. said...

We don't know how to love ANY OTHER WAY...



BordoggyTerrier said...

Love has so many definitions, but I think we all understand how it feels and how much it means to us in a similar way...x

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a very lovely post! Love comes in all shapes and forms, but it is love for sure.

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jen said...

Faith, Hope and Love! That's all we need!

Pamela said...

Nicely put. And, as the Bible says: "The greatest of these is love."

Linda said...

That's what I love about dogs and cats. They don't let the little things get them down and show us how to leave the past behind and keep on moving forward. There is always hope and love.

Emily said...

I very much echo your last statement about love. I am heading home to them in a moment and I can't wait to see their beautiful faces and let them remind me over and over again.

White Dog Blog said...

What a beautiful insight! A daily reminder of Faith and Hope keeps us humans on track...and love, well, that is what all pups are sent to teach us to gratefully receive AND give!

bichonpawz said...

Hope and Faith...and Love! Beautiful reminders for all of us every single day!

xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Keith Andrea said...

.,you guys looks so lovely with that photo.,its true that Hope, Faith and Love is all we need..

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Declan said...

No such thing as a bad dog afterall! Deccy x