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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Personal - Brut's Aggression Week

 I laid next to Brut with my head against his fur.  Just touching each other.  Not to be held or cuddled, just to be there.  I felt horrible.  I felt ashamed.  Brut understood.  More than any other dog in our packs, he knew better than anyone why I'd come to him.  
 I had lashed out at my husband.  It had nothing to do with him, but the pain of a situation I had no control over got to me and I threw my fear and frustration all over my him.  
 Brut and I stayed that way for some time.  I didn't have to utter a word as I drew from his forgiving strength.

One of the hardest things about Brut's aggression isn't the action itself, it is accepting him as he is.  While there is nothing more difficult than the fear of witnessing his assault on one of the other dogs, it doesn't compare to acknowledging, this is my dog.  More than once, Brut came to me afterwards with remorse.  Almost as if he couldn't understand why he reacted the way he did and would look to me for understanding.

 And as I laid there with Brut, in the comfort of his presence that was unshaken by my human flaws, I understood more and more why he had come into my life.  With the roles reversed, this beautiful, temperamental dog keeps teaching me the gift of accepting and understanding myself as well as each other.




Anonymous said...

This post was really touching. Dogs have so much to teach us, especially about accepting others and ourselves just as we are.

bichonpawz said...

What a beautiful and meaningful post...we can learn so much from our animals!!

Flynn said...

What a lovely post!

Stop by for a visit.

Flynnah & Roxy xx

Bassetmomma said...

Kudo's to you for excepting Brut for who he is and working within that!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Another beautiful post. We can all learn so much from each other.

Mom was wondering if you have ever had Brut tested for thyroid issues - aggression can be a symptom.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

BordoggyTerrier said...

GruffHello !! I feel reading this that some of "Brut's strength", as it were, is mental as well as physical - sounded like 2 minds connecting there - we all have so much to still learn from one another, a promise that takes a lifetime to fulfil x

The Joke Puppy said...

The term "unconditional love" is used a lot with dogs,,,but we must always remember that it must work both ways. We get,,,and we offer that love equally. While aggression must be managed, having that unconditional love reduces the aggression to simply a trait that our beloved pal has among all his, or her, wonderful traits.

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all,

We all draw from each other. Human from human, animal from animal and human from animal and vice versa.

Hawk aka BrownDog

Emily said...

Incredibly touching. And it's true that sometimes accepting certain behavior problems in our dogs can be frustrating or difficult to accept-- I know I would love to have "perfect" dogs like magic, but they are individual and surprise me in wonderful ways every day!

Jen said...

Thank you.

Dog difficulties are worth it. There's always another way of looking at things, but really, they teach us so much, if we just stop and listen.

Nancy K. said...

I'm so glad that you and Brut have each other! Life is so much better with someone who understands you...



White Dog Blog said...

Thank you for opening your heart and sharing your vulnerability. The dogs we have, I believe, are with us for a specific reason...each as uniqie as the pup and who we are at that time and place of our lives. It is such a beautiful connection.

House of Carnivores said...

I loved, loved LOVED this post. Because it is so true; I've done the same thing with my animals when my human frailty came to the surface.

Though sometimes I seek out Charlotte when I've lashed out in anger at someone. Not that the dogs judge me for lashing out in their presence, but Charlotte just seems to "get it" more. She understands anger; cats usually do.

It sounds like she plays the same role for me that Brut plays for you!