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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, February 17, 2012

There's Just Something About That Boy

Whether I call him my heart dog or just say his name, I still can not get over the deep connection that exist between Brut and I.  I find myself just flabbergasted that Brut is mine to be mine.  I mentioned in yesterday's post that Brut was getting a bit testy because we've been missing out on our alone time.  Well, it goes both ways.  While I can spend every minute with all the rest of the dogs, being with Brut gets me at the deepest core of my being.  And as much as I can understand, I can never really understand it.

One of my hesitation for trying to leash train Brut better (heel and loose leash) is that I don't want to give up those times when he needs to lead me.  I also have wavered because there are times that Brut and I need to just walk, regardless of how.  It hit me while we were doing our first training session, that I could give him a command that lets him walk like we always have.  I use this as a reward after training and it has worked out great.  It takes the pressure off my conscious of trying to change everything at once and also allows me the wiggle room that I need.  It is so great to have such a freedom.

Today we had a rather short training time, because I was tired and it was about all I could handle.  My goal was to walk a set length in the "heel" position so we could take off on a "free" walk.  Well, I have no doubt Brut knew just as much that I wasn't so much into the training aspect of our time together and did what he could to push my buttons.  He was like a little kid trying to get out his chores, hoping I would give in.  This boy knows me so well.  But I stuck with it, my goal was accomplished and we had a great "free" walk afterwards.  It was worth it.

One of the mental blocks I've had about leash training Brut is the constraint of never being able to go for a regular walk until we are through training.  The thought of walking up and down the road over and over until he learns was almost mind numbing.  If I can't do it, Brut can't do it.  This "free" walk has opened countless doors of possibilities because it isn't just a reward for Brut, but for me as well.  

And that my friends is a blessing for both of us!!

          Ready whenever you are Mom!!     


Jen said...

That is, in fact, a great way to reward both of you! I'm glad that you've figured it out, and I'm sure Brut will too.

It's amazing how they know how to poke at us, isn't it?

bichonpawz said...

We are so happy for you that the two of you get to have FREE walk time!!! Happy Friday! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

The Daily Pip said...

Enjoy your free walk time with Brut. I am sure it is very special to both of you.

Your pal, Pip

Sarah said...

Free-time during walks are very important to us as well. I feel that's when we both get the most enjoyment out of our walks and giving them more free time has resulted in more consistent loose leash walking, even though it's not in the heel position per se.

Pamela said...

Sounds like you've come up with a great way to get everything you need from your works with Brut.

I do something similar with Honey. I tell her "with me" when I need her to stay near me and pay attention. Afterwards I tell her, "go sniff" which means she can meander and pay attention to whatever she wants.

Hope you're starting to feel better.

KB said...

I'm glad that you've figured out a way to do your training and do what you and Brut love too!

House of Carnivores said...

What a fabulous idea! I may do something similar with my own dogs... they love to sniff and drive me crazy dragging me down the sidewalk sometimes. I've been working on having them stick closer to me than that, but I feel guilty because it so clearly ruins some of the fun for them both.

ForPetsSake said...

It sure is nice when things work out well like this, huh? I'm so glad you've worked out a workable system :)