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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

That Face

Chance grabbed a hold of Blaze's neck in an attempt to entice her into another round of play.  Blaze looked up at me with those comical eyes as if to say, "Can you believe this guy?"  And for a split second this was who I saw:
Blaze at 3 weeks old
That little diva puppy who terrorized the entire litter with the same cajole and devious attitude who was standing before me.  And it struck me in a way like I had never realized before that my little girl was home.  That I had witnessed her birth and the first 9 weeks of growth and here I was looking right into those same eyes again, forever.

There is no wondering or worrying or missing or hoping to see her again.  She is right here and I couldn't be more blessed.  Regardless of what the circumstances were for her return, she is safe and sound and with us.

If it had been up to my husband, we would have kept every single puppy and if the circumstances would have been ideal, we would have.  And while the thought of having twelve dogs (mom, dad and ten kids) is a bit more than daunting, when Blaze's face flashed before me, I began to understand where my husband was coming from.  I never thought I could love a dog more, until I watch them be born and have that undying willingness do anything for them.

 I would divide the house ten different ways if our puppies needed to come home again.  As it was, I only had to split it in two, so I can spend every day with that puppy dog face that is my Blaze. 



Declan said...

And that is one beautiful face! Deccy x

haopee said...
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haopee said...

Is something wrong with Blaze? Although, I've read this post twice and everything seems fine but I have this eerie feeling something went wrong...

Anyway, I share your pains and joys- all pet lovers do. Having seen our dogs born, taking care of them, watching them grow, holding their paws on their last breath... it's a cycle of life.

Huggies and Cheese,


sharkgila said...

Such a cutie!

Togo, Tagar & Gamby

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Such a very sweet face it is!!!

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Bassetmomma said...

How could you not? She is so beautiful!!

Yas said...

Mom's heart just melt!
Soo cute!!!

P.s - Me think its super duper cute!!


Cyndi and Stumpy said...

You've done right by your dogs. So many others could not or would not.

I love when I get a flash of Stumpy as a puppy! Somethings never change, and that's just fine with me!

Kootenai's Summit Post said...

so nice to see someone care for dogs so much

Smile With Your Tail said...

Love how he has matured into a gorgeous dog!


The Daily Pip said...

Now that is some serious cuteness!

Your pal, Pip

KB said...

Oh my goodness, that puppy photo melted my heart. I'm so glad that Blaze is with you now.

White Dog Blog said...

She is home, where she belongs, and it happened as it was supposed to. Your Blaze's return was a door opening in your heart...and we believe one day there will be no need to divide the house, all will be one again.

haopee said...

Sorry I hardly understood the entire post before my first reply.

The wonderful thing about dogs is they are willing to trust again. And they're extremely thankful when someone takes care of them.

Huggies and Cheese,


bichonpawz said...

You guys should be so proud of what you have done with your packs! It truly is a beautiful thing! That face is positively adorable!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Nibs said...

<3 love Blaze, such a cutiepie! Sorry I didn't notify you soner about the pawsome blogger award, mummies small laptop kept freezing, but daddie fixed the big one now! Yay! Waggy tails to you all! xxNibs

Pup Fan said...

Such a lovely face. :)

FiveSibesMom said...

Just beautiful!

melf said...

This made me tear up. How beautiful.

I can relate on some level. I wonder the same for my foster dogs, especially Jasper's sister. I would have kept her too if I could have afforded to do so. I was pushing it as it was by keeping Jasper.

I love that you know exactly where she is, who she turned out to be and that's she's okay. Knowing she is happy and healthy and home is such a wonderful thing.

Thank you for sharing.