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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Mr. Observant

My husband calls from the other room, "Honey come here!"  There is a sense of urgency in his voice and I can't tell whether to be concerned or not, but I hurry to meet him.


There's my husband on the toilet holding Blaze's head in his hands.  With this wondrous grin on his face,  he looks at me and says, "Did you know Blaze has these long black hairs above her eye?"

I rushed in here for this?  I roll my eyes and say, "They are part of her eyebrows."

He giggles with his eyes all aglow and replies, " I never noticed them before.  Look!  There are 7 of them!"

 "They all have them,"  And he says I'm the one who'd make a lousy detective!!  

If it took him three years to notice the girl had long, black eyebrow hairs.  3 YEARS!!  Nice going Sherlock!!   Lord knows how many things he's really missed all these years together!!  Can anyone relate??



sharkgila said...

Ha-wooo! We laughed so hard at that. Psst. Ask him to count his whiskers next!

Togo, Tagar & Gamby

haopee said...

Aww, it's one of those "honey, you're so adorably ignorant" moments.

Nice share! Can't wait for the next toilet episode

Blaze is soooo pretty.

Huggies and Cheese,


bichonpawz said...

BOL! BOL!!! Will you be doing a weekly toilet episode?? Beautiful Blaze! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

LOL - just goes to prove how unobservant men can be:)

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Sarah said...

Hehe! You might want to ask him if he knows what color your eyes are!

El Shilo Elohim said...

Pozdrawiając Ciebie z Warszawy, życzy Tobie Syneloi radosnej twórczości!

jen said...

LOL! Guys are so NOT observant! It's the same thing here with our human kids too!

Kari in Alaska said...

hahaha thanks for the giggle

Stop on by for a visit

White Dog Blog said...

Laughing...thanks for sharing. This is one of those "you have to be married to truly get full enjoyment out of this" stories.

haopee said...

By the way, I passed the Kreativ Blogger Award to you.

I hope you can share us some info about you and your doggies.

Kindly check the link. http://www.mydogslove.me/2012/02/25-awards.html

Huggies and Cheese,


Julia Williams said...

Hahahahaha!! O.M.G. You probably do not want to know what else it takes him forever to notice.

Oh and p.s., was he actually "on" the toilet or just sitting on the lid? Because I wouldn't call someone to come in while I am on the toilet even if the house was on fire, BOL.

24 Paws of Love said...

Julia-He was "on" the toilet, which is why I thought it must be pretty important that he called me in there!! Quite an "emergency, huh?" BOL!!

Pamela said...

Boy oh boy. There sure is a lot of love in your house. I don't know what it would take to get me into the bathroom if my husband was on the toilet. But I'm pretty sure it would have to be a matter of life or death. :)

That said, just think of all the fun discoveries your husband has yet to make about the dogs. He can stay entertained for years!

Sage said...

Haha! Can I TOTALLY relate.

Emily said...

I'd say I'm definitely the more observant one in the relationship when it comes to our dogs. At least your husband is not without these revelations! ;) Adorable!

Smile With Your Tail said...

BOL! Men are all the same :)


FiveSibesMom said...

Too funny!!!

Greyhounds CAN Sit said...

It's good to know I'm not the only person who has dogs in the toilet with them;) I think I'd had Beryl about a year before I noticed she's got a 'beauty spot' on each cheek and wondered if all Greyhounds, or all dogs in fact, had them. They wouldn't show up on long haired dogs. I'm going to go and see if Frankie has them now!