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Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday Memories-Which do you prefer: Puppies or Adult Dogs?

One of our own whom we called
 "T-bone," now known as "Jack"

Hello Monday Memories Readers!  Today's Monday Memories kicks off the 24 Paws Participation Week.  For this special week we are throwing out a dog questions and looking for your answers to get to know our readers a little better.  

So our first question for the week is:  Which do you prefer:  Puppies or Adult Dogs?

Now if you'd asked me this at any other point in my life, my answer would be, hands down, adult dogs.  Now don't get me wrong I love puppies and everything that is puppy, but they could never grow up fast enough for me.  I couldn't wait to get through the whole puppy phase so that I could do all of those 'big dog' things that I've always loved when they became adults.   In fact when we got Alex, he was 9 years old and it was a great relief to not have to go through all the training and housebreaking.

 OK, you can stop growing, NOW!!
(4 week old pups)

Ask me the same question now and you'd be amazed how quickly a litter of 10 puppies can make you rethink all of that puppy stuff.  No matter how much I read or videos I saw, I was never fully prepared when the puppies were born that they would practically grow and develop right in front of my eyes. Ever minute was like watching the impossible happen.  One day they are dragging themselves across the whelping box and the next they crawling and stumbling on wobbly legs and I witnessed these incredible beings never stop to risr to their next challenge.  They never gave up, they just kept going.  They didn't sit and pout or cry if they fell, they had a goal: to reach that teat before their brother or sister.  Ten of them all striving for the same thing.   Talk about absolutely beautiful inspiration.   

When they were four weeks old, past the newborn stages and really began to look like miniature puppies, I would have done anything to be able to find a magic formula and keep them that way forever.  That age made the biggest impact on me in ways I couldn't even imagine.  If I could have stopped time, I would.

The entire experience gave me a deeper respect and appreciation to all of the puppy stages that I was always trying to rush through and an understanding of the importance of letting them grow and mature at their own pace.  I can not tell you how many celebrations we had for the many accomplishments each puppy made trying out their new legs or getting the courage to think about jumping on the chair, it was the stuff of champions!!.

 Another one of our boys
Formerly "Red," now called "Stone"

So while I will still always love being able to do all those 'big dog' things, I will cherish the puppy stages with a deeper sense of gratitude.  Those ten little puppies whom I was so blessed with taught me to never give up and to celebrate everything.  :)

So tell us, what is your favorite stage of a dog's life?


zeeFM said...

I missed Zeus's puppy stages when I got him at 7 months and I wish I was there, really badly !

Charlene and Storm said...

that was a most excellent post, i really enjoyed reading your thoughts. i would say without a doubt i love dogs best. puppies are cute and i loved taking all the pictures for memories of baby stormy but now hes 10 months old its so much easier to live with him. he can sleep on the bed with us at night now and not have accidents. i dont come back at lunchtimes to find a poo waiting for me near the back door. everything we do now is all just the fun stuff and he gets more perfect every single day. i did really enjoy watching him grow up but they were hard days and i enjoy looking at the photos now much more LOL!!! xxxxx

Talking-Dogs said...

Loved this post. I cannot pick; I love them at all ages. Our Lab, Rudy, grew so fast that it seemed he was a puppy for only a day or two and I wish it had lasted much longer. On the other hand, Lucy is approaching her 14th birthday and there is a very special quality to her senior golden years. Jeffie, at 6, is in between. Choose an age? My answer is "yes." lol All of the above!

jen said...

Excellent post and a very good question! I would have to say the puppy stages. They are just so impressionable at that age!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mom loves all the stages too, well, bits and pieces of each. Thunder was four months old when we got him, and Mom really missed some of the puppyhood fun. Ciara matured very quickly. And Lightning, well, we think he may be a puppy forever:) Phantom was a good puppy but Mom says he and Dakota were two terrible terrors when they were in that in between puppy and adult stage.

One of the nice things about having a bigger pack is that you can experience all the stages at one time:) Unless, of course, it is your pack where so many are siblings:)

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Please give thought to getting rid of the word verification - took us five tries today to get it right:(

The Daily Pip said...

Believe it or not, we have only adopted adult dogs so I can't comment on puppies. We have had lots of kittens who have definitely been fun!

Anonymous said...

Much as I love puppies, the cute factor and all, I just don't have the energy and physical ability to to keep up with them and to train them consistently, especially the housebreaking part. I prefer adult dogs, particularly those with couch potato tendencies.

Sarah said...

That's a tough one! Puppies are tons of work but seeing your dog grow, mature and figure the world out is so rewarding. Chewed shoes, not so much.

As they age, the bond deepens, they begin to seek out affection more, and you understand each other on a more profound level. I love that Sadie & Maggie seem to understand how I'm feeling and what I want of them more - and I'm not talking training but when I'm in the mood for cuddling or when I need to get stuff done and need some alone time. They get it. Hurley is still a puppy and the world is all about him, to him. I guess if I had to absolutely choose one or the other, I would go with adult dogs. Unless you figure out a way to make 2 month old puppies freeze in time. I would be all over that!!

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Mabel Lou is the only dog I've gotten as a pup. My other dogs had died way too young: 2 1/2 and 8... I hated having a puppy and I NEVER will again!

houndstooth said...

I'm not sure how to answer this. We've had dogs of all ages here at this point, and I love them all. It's been wonderful watching Kuster grow up, and already he doesn't really look like a puppy anymore -- he looks like a little dog. However, he's a busy little devil and he lives to make mischief! There's no resting for us now. But he's just adorable and those puppy kisses can make you forget a lot of things! However, I also think about Lilac. We got her at almost eight years old. She lived her middle age and senior years here with us, and we certainly faced challenges with her, too, but there is something incredibly, incredibly sweet about an old dog. I try to enjoy every day with all four of ours as it comes!

Linda said...

Doesn't matter to me. I love the curiosity puppies have about everything they see, and puppy breath, and I love an older dog's more mature view of things, until something gets his/her attention and that puppy curiosity comes flying out!

Sarah Loves to Bake said...

I also cherish the puppy stages we went through with our pittie. I have always preferred adult dogs but after raising our baby I have a new love for puppies!

White Dog Blog said...

I came to momma and dad when I was just 8 weeks old. They have loved every second of the nurturing and shaping me into The White Dog. And I am momma's soulmate. But they have a special place in their hearts for the senior dogs and ones with special needs that no one wants anymore. The elegence and gratitude that my brothers and sisters show for even the tiniest recognition or encouragement is so rich and loving. And there is no reward better than seeing one of them push past a fear or overcome some past baggage.

Bassetmomma said...

I love the smell of a puppy and watching them grow, but I think both puppy and adults have their good points!