Here's a little intro from where I picked it up:
The character, Linus has a heart-shaped box of chocolates he wants to give to his teacher, and wants her to be his Valentine. For some reason in the middle of the classroom's Valentine party, the teacher leaves the building, while Linus tries to catch up to her to give her the candies. Only to watch his her leave with her boyfriend.
It was the following scene that got me with Linus on the bridge. (Check video clip HERE)
The mood was heartbreaking and I found myself begin get a little teary. Until...they showed Snoopy and Woodstock behind the bush, catching the chocolates and gobbling up all of Linus' anguish.
I busted out laughing as I could truly relate. How many times have I thrown all my pain and sorrows on my dogs who just lavished it up like chocolates, while transforming my tears into love? Countless. I can not tell you how many "Snoopy's" have saved my life and are still doing so today.
So to all of the Snoopy Dogs out there, Happy Valentine's Day! Think what a better world it would be if we all had a Snoopy!!
Snoopy times 6
Happy Valentine's Day to you and all your 6 Super Snoopys!!!
Maxx and mommy
Happy Valentine's Day to all of you.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Woof! Woof! We LOVE Snoopy too ... I had a stuffie Snoopy but its all gone. Happy ♥ Valentine's Day. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Happy Valentine's Day! And here's to all the Snoopys'!!
Aw... so true! Everyone does need a Snoopy. :)
Happy Valentines Day from my pitbull Motley(my snoopy) and I!! Enjoy all your snoopys
Happy Valentine's Day. I loved this post!
Hi, how was your Valentine? Who is your Date? lol.. Hope you enjoyed your Valentines Day..
Dog Fence for Any sze yard.
Pet Solutions
Awww...this is the best Valentine Day post! LOVE SNOOPY!
Happy Valentines Day to you!
So true on the Snoopy. I don't know what I'd do without my "Snoopys". They are always there for me when I need them.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Valentine's Day in your pack is lived year round but we want to take a special moment today to thank you for your cherished friendship and for sharing the journey with us.
Oh, come on! You know you love MY Charlie Brown! Who, by the way, somehow climbed on top of the dining room table and dragged an entire box from the fancy bakery shop off, and ate an entire pink raspberry french macaron cake BY HIMSELF over the weekend. BLOCKHEAD. That was supposed to be his Valentine's gift to me, damn it! I'm his little red haired girl!
If you have a particularly bad day, you're not going to go out looking for another Snoopy, are you?
Hope you and your Valentine's had a great day!
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