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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, January 13, 2012

Dedication Week-Simple

Our entire world has been transformed from ugly browns and grey to soft snowy white.  It has been such an exhausting day and the freshness of the new fallen snow was rejuvenating.  Because of our hectic day, the dog's scheduled ended up out of whack and there was nothing better than an evening out in the wet fluff to clear our heads.  We all stood in the quiet snowfall, listening to the stillness. I watched as Brut lay making snow angels, his eyes holding mine at just that right moment as he swished back and forth.  Zappa made his own snow angels while Fiona took the opportunity to pounce on him.  Somewhere out of the shadows Silver slide into view waiting for me to throw her favorite football.  I hear Blaze and Chance out front in conversation with a distant dog, knowing that their turn is next.  All of the tension and fatigue drain out of me as I thought to myself, "This is the life."

This is the life that makes my heart go round with the circle of love that surrounds me.    I could have laid down right there in the snow and fell asleep in the precious peacefulness.

I could thank each one of you every day for just being there.   


ThePainterPack said...

Sometimes it is when we are still and listen that we learn so much. I am so glad you enjoyed the snow! I hope we'll get some this year...


olddog said...

My dogs they teach me how to accept thing for what they are and enjoy life. Your gang know how to enjoy the simple pleasures that matter.Peace

bichonpawz said...

We can learn so very much from our fur babies. Living life through their eyes....peaceful.

Happy Weekend!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Bassetmomma said...

What a beautiful end to a day!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

It's been a great week here. Thanks for sharing you and your pups:)

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

jen said...

I really enjoyed reading through your dedication week posts! and this was a perfect one to end on! When your out in the snow it just seems so peaceful! I was walking the dogs during our last snow fall and at one point in time I just stopped because all you could hear was the snow falling. It was just such a peaceful feeling!

Smile With Your Tail said...

Our dogs make us better people <3


houndstooth said...

Sometimes it's the quiet moments that redeem us and bring us back to ourselves!

Nibs said...

Sounds like bliss, absolute bliss :)

Emily said...

My pups bring a joy and element to my life I never would have dreamed possible. They truly added depth to my life that I never expected. I could thank them every day too!

Sage said...

That sounds like an idyllic moment!!

Declan said...

Sounds fantastic; peace perfect peace... Deccy x

The Daily Pip said...

Thanks so much for all your good wishes for my health! Your kindness helped us so much!

Your pal, Pip

Smile With Your Tail said...

P.S We have nominated you for a Pawesome Blogger award on our page! We just love reading your blog so much


ForPetsSake said...

Awww! I love this post - it reminds me to think of those quiet moments to keep myself centered and at peace. IT's no coincidence that the outdoors and our pups are inevitably involved...