© 2025 24 Paws of Love

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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Dedication Week

You know that feeling when things start to gel and come together?  When that 1,000 piece puzzle has more than just the border and starts to come into focus?  Or all those times you've wondered if all those little baby steps were getting you anywhere only to come out of the storm and see the rainbow?

That's how we are feeling.  That's how the 24 Paws of Love is doing.

I feet like I am on Miracle Street after trudging through the mud for what has seemed a very long and grueling walk.  Sometimes I still can't believe it myself and I feel like I'm going to burst with so much excitement.  I had no idea all those little accomplishments would add up to so much.  For them and me.  

We would like to dedicate this week of the amazing progress of the 24 Paws of Love to you, our readers, who without your help, would have never been possible.  We would like to thank you all personally for being part of our journey and giving us more hope than we could imagine from your own personal stories and comments.  You have been a lifeline that we have desperately needed and have come to depend on dearly as no one else could fathom the amount of dog loving crazy that goes on in this home.  But you do.  And I think the best way to thank you, is to let the dogs tell you themselves and share in what you have become a part of by just being there.

  Won't you join us?


Yas said...

Thank you for letting us be part of this beautiful circle of friendship too! Enjoy your day!


White Dog Blog said...

Thank you for this gift. It is so wonderful to feel a part of such amazing growth and pack building. We feel a very special bond between you and The White Dog Army.