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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Thursday, December 8, 2011


I was once loved.  Then I wasn't.  Somebody cared for me, only to drop me off somewhere else.  I thought I found my furever home, turns out furever can be short.  I used to snuggle up tight with my family, now all I have are concrete walls.  I thought I'd found love, only to find I wasn't what they were looking for.

"She almost pulled my arm off going after another dog!"  "He threw up in my car!  He's got to go!"  "Her markings clash with my new couch!  I need to upgrade."  "We tried him out for a couple of days and we just don't like him anymore.  Do you have something else?"

I am wanted and then unwanted. I am needed until I am unneeded.  I am loved but I have become a problem.  Don't they see how much I love and want to be with them?  Please don't leave me here.  Please.  I promise I'll love you more than you'll ever know.  Please don't forget me.  I won't forget you...

**Dedicated to all of those "returnable" dogs who are hoping to be loved.


White Dog Blog said...

We pray for the day when every dog and kitty have homes that truly love them as unconditionally as these precious furred ones love...and are safe and cared for and respected and cherished.

Humans still have so much to learn about the important things.

Shane Kent Louis said...

Yes Indeed! I was really touched by your post! we pray that every dog will find a forever home and family that will love them :)

It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence

Declan said...

Thanks for stopping by. If only every dog was loved as much as us eh? Deccy x

Nibs said...

I guess the rescue situation is as bad in the US as it is here? My mummie volunteers and things are so, so tough. In one local rescue there's a rottie who is without a home for his second Christmas, given up because his family wanted a puppy- he wasn't wanted anymore :'(, It amazes us all how callous people can be.

Part of the problem is people who breed their dogs without knowing the rescue situation, and who don't have the ability to take pups back in if things go wrong like you were able to do with Chance and Zappa. You were able to open your hearts- and on a basic monetary level, afford the care, of the pups you bred when they had to come home to you, you love them truly and deeply and took the responsibility seriously when you bred the pups, but there are not enough people willing to go the distance like you are, that have the same level of love.

In the UK, there are quite a few breeds who are in need, greyhounds, of course- but also staffies. Since pit-type dogs were banned, the people who want a status dog have moved on to the poor staffie, and goodness me but they have suffered as a breed for it :(

The social attitude of selfishness can be easily seen if you just visit one rescue shelter, and see all of those unwanted, 'uneeded' and unloved dogs. Thanks for bringing it to peoples thoughts today, y family feel very strongly about this issue, as do we all, I think. xxxx

Anonymous said...

What lovely sentiments. And a wonderful paw print :) Mom and I luv your festive header! :D

Waggin at ya,

Jack & Moo said...

*sniff sniff* Paws crossed many pups & kits will be adopted into GOOD homes, especially now during the holidays. Sadly, many will end up as "presents" that be "returned" in a few months.

On a happier note, we love your holiday header!

jack & moo

Scrappy Angel said...

beautifully written!

for us, the loving comes easy...for the humans, not always so easy.

Corbin said...

So sadly true...

Pamela said...

I've just lost it.

I don't know how anyone can love a dog. And then decide they don't anymore.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

It would take a huge gigantic issue for any of us ever to be returned. Mom says "ain't ever going to happen here" So sad that there have to be so many.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Kootenai's Summit Post said...

You made my dog eyes tear up. I like the lyrical poetry. Ruff! Here's to all the people that adopt and love the returnables!