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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

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Brut Quote

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Seeing Differently

I never once realized the impact that blogging was going to have on my life.  I never once thought my heart could be captured by dogs other than my own.  And I had no idea how hard it would hit me, grieving for dogs that have passed on.  Dogs I've only seen on my screen that I have never touched or looked into their eyes.  There is a loss I didn't expect and a sadness that I feel wandering around in blogland.  Blogging has become more than just writing about our dogs.  I have been in my own personal grief for some time and I had no idea that being part of this dog community that I would be hit so hard with the deaths of dogs that I would read about every day.  It is hard enough to lose your own beloved canine, I didn't expect to grieve with others over theirs or how close to home it would hit.  So many times, I find myself not knowing what to say.  I have fallen silent as I read your blogs and find I have no words to add.  Right now, I find myself just absorbing what is happening in your lives and just feeling blessed to be able to read your stories.  Connecting, being.  And in this time of quiet for me, I just wanted to let you know I am here.  I am reading and listening and soaking in all the doggie love you provide.

On this weekend of thanks, I want to thank you, our doggie blogging friends for just being there.  Whether you post, read or comment.  My husband and I thank you for being part of our world and letting us be part of yours.  The gifts we have been given has been invaluable.  From helpful suggestions, to encouraging support, to those humorous perspectives that we still laugh about to this day.

I could write endlessly on the gratitude I have with my dogs.  What their lives mean to me and all they have given, but it is nothing compared to experiencing the death of another dog that puts your whole world in perspective.  Those extra few minutes a day to take the time with these precious creatures, will never be enough to thank them for who they are.  For you and for me.  Give all your loved ones an extra squeeze, every day, you never know when you might again.



Talking-Dogs said...

Sitting here crying and my dogs are wondering why, nudging me and trying to cheer me. Truly lovely post and I thank you for sharing what's in your heart. We, too, recently lost one of our beloved dogs. It is a very hard thing. Supportive comments from fellow bloggers have meant more than they'll ever know. Hugs & woofs to you.

Nibs said...
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Nibs said...

Huge hugs to you. We know how you feel. My mummie thought she would lose me last year, she thought I had cancer, but luckily it wasn't- but the illness and the possibility of losing me made her truly feel for those who have lost their beloved furry family members. At the moment my Aunty Julia is trying to get my lurcher friend Bella back to health, she had to go back to the vets today, haven't heard back yet :(

jen said...

What a wonderful post for today!
It's a wonderful blogging world here and we are so happy and thankful to be a part of it also.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! We feel the same way. Delighted to be bloggie friends. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Sarah said...

Wonderful post! I too am eternally grateful for both the readers of my blog and the writers of the blogs I read (most of whom are the same). But I've never felt I had the right combination of words to express how much these blog friendships have come to mean to me. Very well said!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ahh, the warm and loving connections we all make and feel all because of our beloved pets. Lovely and loving post.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

houndstooth said...

I have cried buckets over dogs I haven't met! I completely understand your post. Part of it, for me, is that I've been there, and I understand what the loss feels like. I still miss Treat really acutely some days. And in this last year, as I watched Lilac grow older and more frail, part of me knew each time I read about someone else's loss that one day it was going to be my turn. You've really written a beautiful post today!

White Dog Blog said...

Thank you so much. The bonds here in our community are incredible and rewarding and enrighing...and at times, heartwrenching. I, like you, am touched day and feel so blessed to be surrounded with such generosity of spirit and genuineness of sharing. Thanks for adding your voice and stories to this tapestry of wonder.

The Daily Pip said...

This is a wonderful post. We also treasure all our blogging friends. Don't know how we managed before we started blogging.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Your pal, Pip

Shane Kent Louis said...

You look so cute while sleeping! Woof!

It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence

Julia Williams said...

It's amazing how well you can get to know people you've never met in real life, just by reading their words on a screen. It's not surprising to me though, because when people share through blogs they tend to open up more and reveal what's true in their heart.

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Kristine said...

It's so true, isn't it? A few years ago I would have made fun of myself for being so touched by people and dogs I have never met. But blogland, especially pet blogland, feels like a real community and I don't know if I could live without the support system it provides. I am so proud and thankful to have shared in a teeny piece of it all.

And I am just as thankful I "met" you and your fascinating crew. I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family.

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all,

What a momentous post, so much heart felt emotion. I just thought something was wrong with my Human when she started weeping over some of my blog friends who passed. We dogs morn, but not so openly as humans.

Hope you had a wonderful family Thanksgiving.

Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog

Pamela said...

I think it's the sadness that connects us together so strongly.

When we learn of someone else who has lost a dog, we think of our own losses and we understand what they're going through.

If we didn't share the sadness, we'd be just another group of fans on the internet--like people who watch the same tv show or enjoy the same comic books.

But we're more than just people who like dogs. We're people who have shared the same kinds of emotions because of our relationships to those dogs.

Thank you for a lovely post.

Daisy's Mom said...

What an absolutely beautiful post. I feel the very same way. When Lilac passed from Tales and Tails I bawled my eyes out. I think the blogging community is a special one and one of the many blessing is that we get to connect with people and their pets in ways we might never have done.

Loved this post.

Pup Fan said...

Such true words... you have very eloquently put into words the way I feel. Hugs.

Elizabeth Keene said...

Consider them squeezed. I even squeezed the cats. :)

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!