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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday Memories-Taking It All In

Monday Memories-Our weekly trip down memory lane...

The other day I was keeping Brut company while he had breakfast and I was looking at our homemade crates that were in the corner for Fiona and  Zappa.  They are in the same corner that the whelping bed was in, but half of the size.  The whelping bed took up the whole corner of our bedroom.  We had two chairs in front of it and it was a tight fit.  As I waited for Brut to finish I thought of the I countless hours I spent sitting in this same chair, in complete awe of those newborns that were born almost four years ago.

 One day old puppies and Mommy Silver
My husband is the photo hound out of the two of us.  He was constantly snapping pictures and running the video when he was around.  I couldn't understand it at the time.  I was in shock and awe of these miracles of life, I just sat absorbing every living, breathing moment as it happened.  For those first three days, I never left Silver and those ten gifts of life, only dozing for a moment or two when they slept.  Besides needing to make sure Silver didn't lay on any of her little ones, I was in entranced with those new lives that were before me and the care of a new mom.  As I would guess from anyone who has witness the miracle of birth, I found myself in a stunned silence as I drank in the wonder and beauty of this event that had happened before my eyes and had touched with my own hands.  Their cries were like angels singing as we welcomed each one in the world and was a constant sign of life within.  And I just couldn't pull myself away to stop the moment for a quick snap.  I couldn't even conceive that a particular moment should be caught in time.  I mean, how do you capture a living miracle?  Already changing and growing before your eyes?  How do you stop time forever as it evolves in your hands?  I couldn't.  I was mesmerize.

Do you think you could find that perfect moment in time?
 Our little miracles of life.
Just over 24 hours old.

I etched every moment I could to memory but as the puppies grew that time period became a puppy blur.  It wasn't until some time later that I began to appreciate all the photos and hours of video that my husband took.  But those first few days are still deeply imprinted and can still flood my thoughts even while accompany Brut, about the miracle of life that happened right there in that little spot in the corner of our bedroom.


Talking-Dogs said...

Beautiful photo and video. And thank heavens for your husband :-) We are not big on photos at our house; just don't think of it. I regret that about the past and am trying to get better about it.

jen said...

Thanks for the wonderful video! That is just a miracle:))

Nibs said...

I do love your memory posts, this is such a lovely snapshot of several little, wriggly miracles!

Sage said...

I love looking back on those early days of our pets. What a great way to remember! Yay for husbands who like to take pictures!!

Scrappy Angel said...

wow....those are some precious photos, videos and puppies:)

Life IS beautiful and so amazing!

My mom says everyone should witness birthing. She says you can;t help but want to know God.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Love that video!!! And about the photos and videos - so true - they are one thing that really helps heal the hurt when one of our furries leaves us.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Kootenai's Summit Post said...

Those puppies are going to go out into the world and heal hearts!

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Thank you fur sharin' your memories wif all of us. :)
Happy Monday!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Pamela said...

Your husband's pictures and video have been quite a gift to you. I bet you could not have imagined what they would mean to you.

White Dog Blog said...

Thank goodness those memories were physically imprinted...the heart remembers, yes, but in a different way, with a different emphasis. How wonderful is the fact that both can be combined to bring such joy. Thanks for remembering with us.

houndstooth said...

Funny how those tiny miracles become big miracles in no time!

Emily in Wonderland said...

Their little butts and tails are SO cute! And their legs so rubbery! lol I have never held a puppy that little, I would love to though!

I wonder all the time what Charlie was like as a baby, or Amelia. I am so glad I was able to save them as adults, but I still wonder so much what their life was like before me. I bet they were the sweetest, cutest babies in the world.

"Every baby is the sweetest and the best" Marilla Cuthbert, Anne of Avonlea.

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