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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday Memories-The Kaleidoscope of Blaze

It's picture time!!  And we have an interesting theme for today's post.  Color changes.  The three Husky-looking pups, were in a state of constantly changing colors and Blaze took on the most dramatic effect that we were able to record. 

The 3 Huskies-looking ones that are on the right end, all started rather dark.  
(from l to r) Zappa, Grumpy and Blaze on the end.
 Zappa carried a red tone while Blaze had a silver-grey tone. 
This pic is at about 4 days old.

This is Zappa (left) and Blaze (right).  
In this pic, at 6 days old, they look like twins. 

You can see how the grey undertones are starting and that her fur is beginning to lighten from the heavy grey in first pic. 

This is at three weeks old and she has turned to a silver -grey.  
She still has the rust color on the top of her head and ears.
It is obvious why we named her Blaze.  :)

From 6-8 weeks, this is how we remembered her before she left with her new family.  
A soft blend of greys, rust and cream colors.

And the comparison of Zappa and Blaze together. (8 weeks old)

So when we visited her at 4 mos. old, this was the shock we had!
She had lightened into this cream color as the dark greys around the face were beginning to fade.
While the "blaze" on her nose was swept away into her white muzzle.

The grey's had softened  and filled in around the face and neck while her ears took a little darker in the rust color when she came back home to live with us at 7 months old.

And here she is today.  You can see the reddish-orange mixed with that luscious golden color and the gentle grey that still frames her face.  Depending on the light she can seem to sparkle with a hidden rainbow of colors or while in the shadows the grey undertones give the appearance of being a dirty off-white.  

Amazing isn't??

Have you ever witnessed such a dramatic change in color of your puppy as they grew?


Yas said...

Very nice pics!! Oh yes, mom says that when i was a pup, the rings around my eyes are darker then now it's sort of disappearing..
Thanks for sharing those beautiful pics with us!
Happy Monday!


bichonpawz said...

We totally enjoyed all of these pics! It is amazing to go back and look at the "puppy pics"!! They are beautiful then AND now!!
xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Nibs said...

wow! I didn't come to mummie til I was an adult, and Ambam only had to grow a little bit and put on weight, so I don't know if we changed much! But Blaze is like a different dog! I've never seen such a difference! Lovely photos :)

jen said...

OMG! That is amazing! She tranformed into a beautiful girl with changing colors!

Sarah said...

She is gorgeous - both as a baby and an adult! We haven't had such dramatic changes in our house but Hurley had this adorable small white blaze mark on his head and it's now almost gone :(

Kootenai's Summit Post said...

Beautiful babies! Such pretty colors. Ruff

Maggie Mae and Max said...

OoH what great puppy fotos, Blaze has changed quite a bit. Happy Monday!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

Pamela said...

Yes, puppies change dramatically as they grow. Honey started out very light in color and everyone asked if she was a "cream" Golden Retriever. Her breeder told us the color of her ears would be her final color and she was right.

I love seeing German Shepherd puppies as their ears become pointy.

It was fun seeing your pups at all the different stages. And they'll continue to change as someday you start to see grey where you didn't before.

Scrappy Angel said...

oh...those are some sweet photos!

the change is quite dramatic!

mom is wishing she could retrieve photos from the dinosaur computer, but it might just take a genious to get that accomplished.

Dachshund Nola said...

Beautiful! I was born almost black, then lightened to a very light red, now I'm dark again.
Kisses and Tail Wags,
Dachshund Nola

White Dog Blog said...

Blaze was truly like a fire all strong color early on mellowing and changing to soft ash as she reached maturity. So while she may not still have the marking, her name is most approprtiate.

Thank you for the prayers for my brother, we are most grateful for the healing energy and support. And yes, we do follow the 5Sibes.

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

Wonderful pictures, it's amazing the difference in the 2 photos!

houndstooth said...

A lot of Greyhound puppies surprise you from when they're born to when they grow up. They change a lot from birth to grown up dog!

Pet Food Online said...

These puppies look really cute, especially the six days old and the three weeks old puppies.